Should I plant now?


Active Member
i live in cairns aswell mate, my babies are about one month old now, they live outside in the ground, i have prepared soil before i transplanted them in, i find this time of year to plant them better because of the wet season, our tap water is shit and nearly kills our babies so if u use tap water boil it and let it cool before you water ya babies or do wat i do put them outside rain will water them thruout the season, i catch rain water to water my plants when its not raining, if i run out i go to mount franklin bottled water or just boil ya tap water for 5 mins on stove, if boiling ya water put in the tiniest bit of fertilizer to make up for some of the good nutrients you have boiled out of the water with all the bad shit


Well-Known Member
Shit if I lived there I'd overgrow the island........ but, I'm staying here...TOO many things that bite & KILL there...


Active Member
Shit if I lived there I'd overgrow the island........ but, I'm staying here...TOO many things that bite & KILL there...
just because australia is home to some of the worlds most venomous land and sea creatures aswell as land and sea creatures that kill us for the fun of it even tho they arnt venomous just makes it an even better excuse to grow outdoors in bush or in the mountains or whereva cause less people are likely to go walkin thru the bush or whereva ya plant ya babies