Should I still brew bene tea if I'm using Roots Excelurator?


Active Member
I figure there is good bacteria in the roots excel, combined with a zyme product would it be enough? Or should I also be brewing tea? is it worth it at that point?


Well-Known Member
why do more work? i use pondzyme and have never seen better roots on my plants and it cost a quarter of what great white does.


Well-Known Member
why do more work? i use pondzyme and have never seen better roots on my plants and it cost a quarter of what great white does.
Can you go more into this? What type of nutes your using? How much you use per/gal? What point of the grow do you use it?


Active Member
There is no bacteria in Roots Excelurator it has rooting hormones in it. If you are talking about Koma's bene tea I saw that he uses Roots Organic Oregonism as his bacteria source [h=2][/h]


Rebel From The North
Root excel is not a benny, its for root development!
bennys in hydro are for keeping your root and res
clean of bad bactiria! And root rot! Although there
is a bit of benifit to the plant! Using bennys its not
that much.