Should i still flower?


Active Member
This is my first time flowering, have been doing it for 15 days one of the 5 was a male who had pollen sacks so i got rid of him, but the others have only growing about 4 inches (they have been through hell and back) but look good, should i still flower them and hope they renew them selfs?
I have have clones from these plants in the vegg room that i can flower when they get taller. Should i pull the plug on the ones that have been flowering for 15 days?


Vote 4 me 4 Prez in 2012
Of course not. Flower and learn and smoke and enjoy every minute before they come take us away!


Well-Known Member
why are you considering pulling them? you havnt said anything thats wrong with them. you say they look good, carry on flowering them i say


Vote 4 me 4 Prez in 2012
It occurred to me that if someone read the title of your post and then my reply they might think I was responding to the title and not the body your post....I thought it was funny...but to clarify, definitely flower. The experience is awesome. I have found a new reason for living...pussy, weed, and not being dead...those are my reasons.


Well-Known Member
they ok man, a little bit of drooping probably, over fert or dongy ph but nothing too serious. they do look a bit tall though, what light have you got them under
your male looks nice though, did you save any pollen?