Should I Transplant These into Bigger Buckets?

So I kind of over grew these and they are like 5 feet now. i only planned on them getting about 3-4 feet. They are in 2.5 gallon buckets at the moment. My question is I have 30 days left or so of the bloom stage and I'm afraid they are bad root bound badly the plants don't seem to happy the leaves are starting to shrivel a little. Is there much risk to transplanting them with them being this big? I would put them into a 5 gallon bucket. Or should I leave it at risk of messing something up?



Well-Known Member
Ummm whats your lighting, theres no bud development yet so I really doubt you only have 30 days left. Also if it is in bloom you shouldn't transplant it.


Well-Known Member
It stops growing new roots about 2-3 weeks in to flower and focuses on bud development are you sure you are on 12/12 lighting and there is no light leaks during lights out?
Well I have them on 12/12 and they are in a grow room shouldnt be any leaks. they are also in the basement so it's pretty much pitch black when the lights are off.

400w HPS but I think I might need to get a new hood with a horizontal bulb mount. I wasn't planning on them getting this big so I was using a vertical mount high bay light reflector. So maybe theyre not getting enough light.

this is what has developed so far