should i water daily?


Well-Known Member
yea so my plant is in its baby stage at least thats wut i call it its 6 inches tall and has a skinny stem, neways should i water it once a day? or once every 2 days?


Well-Known Member
It depends. Does the plant in it's baby stage have good drainage? If it does watering it by giving it a few tablespoons of water is okay.

Before I planted my seedling I put several holes in the bottom on the plastic up. Then I added several small rocks to aid drainage.

It is very easy to rot those tender little roots. Over watering is a big problem. So go easy on the water. Look into a good additive like Fox Farm grow big.
I water when I can press my finger an inch into the soil without it feeling wet. My rule is that it's better to under-water than over-water. If you under-water, the plants will get thirsty and ask for water by wilting and then they'll perk right up with a little drink. If you over-water yourself into a rot, the damage is much more serious.


Well-Known Member
I water when I can press my finger an inch into the soil without it feeling wet. My rule is that it's better to under-water than over-water. If you under-water, the plants will get thirsty and ask for water by wilting and then they'll perk right up with a little drink. If you over-water yourself into a rot, the damage is much more serious.

Excellent answer. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
k thx also another question i have a 250 watt florescent light bulb, im kinda on budget will this be good for the plant or should i just abandon the whole growing project b/c my light sucks... im very low budget ... sigh


Well-Known Member
k thx also another question i have a 250 watt florescent light bulb, im kinda on budget will this be good for the plant or should i just abandon the whole growing project b/c my light sucks... im very low budget ... sigh
That will do just fine, keep the bulb as close to the plant as u can (i have mines at about an inch or maybe less) try and get that juice right into the plant and make the light as effective a u can (reflective sheeting or flat white paint on the walls) that will maximaze light usage...and a 250w fluoro bulb doesn´t suck at all i use far less and look at my plants....


Well-Known Member
That will do just fine, keep the bulb as close to the plant as u can (i have mines at about an inch or maybe less) try and get that juice right into the plant and make the light as effective a u can (reflective sheeting or flat white paint on the walls) that will maximaze light usage...and a 250w fluoro bulb doesn´t suck at all i use far less and look at my plants....
nice nice, thx 4 info man i wanted to grow low ryder for the first time, but the seeds are hard to come by in the states, so im using random seeds from a bag, once i get use to this i will plant my big bud seeds i got :blsmoke:

thx 4 advice


Well-Known Member
nice nice, thx 4 info man i wanted to grow low ryder for the first time, but the seeds are hard to come by in the states, so im using random seeds from a bag, once i get use to this i will plant my big bud seeds i got :blsmoke:

thx 4 advice

You´re welcome...keep us posted and get some pics on if u can..Peace


Well-Known Member
nice nice, thx 4 info man i wanted to grow low ryder for the first time, but the seeds are hard to come by in the states, so im using random seeds from a bag, once i get use to this i will plant my big bud seeds i got :blsmoke:

thx 4 advice

I have ordered seeds from the UK here to the US with no problem. If you are smart when you do your order then all will be aiight.


Well-Known Member
I always say let your plants tell you when they're thirty. Notice the slight wilt and water accordingly this will not water stress your plants BTW if anyone suggests that and is actually very healthy for them and their root systems.


Active Member
when watering a good method is to go by weight. feel the weight of the same size pot with dry soil and judge always by the weight of the soil. after a couple of times you will get the hang of it...good luck with your grow.


Well-Known Member
Man you must be good to tell the difference in weight. when my buds come in I'll just have you weigh them and tell me how much I have. lol


Active Member
It's good for plants to get starved of water now and then. Tomatoes for example will turn very quickly when you starve their water supply. Potatoes too and onions. They all get stressed and grow like crazy. Same thing here. Just not too much.