Should the US support Israel forever ?

Should the US support Israel, no matter what?

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Here you go bro.... you may proceed with your douchebaggery on this thread, just exclude me from it hence forth, thanks.

Looking at your previous posts on this thread you might be a little to vested in this subject... usually making a counter point is all thats needed in a discussion, no degrading the opposition because their views dont match up with yours.

Maybe this is a special thread, but you sure do sound like a beezy
"and voting the way the US wants in the UN is not part of any treaty, agreement or aid package."

Nowhere did i say this^

You are obviously trying too hard to play the part of the opposition. Go home troll boy... or get some better shwag to calm yourself
Please actually read the words:

Doers said:
United States Foreign Aid to those that hate us:

Egypt, after voting 79% of the time against the United States, still receives $2,000,000,000 annually in US Foreign Aid.Jordan votes 71% against the United States and receives $192,814,000 annually in US Foreign Aid.Pakistan votes 75% against the United States and receives $6,721,000,000 annually in US Foreign Aid.India votes 81% against the United States and receives $143,699,000 annually in Foreign Aid.
That is just the top 4. We send aid to almost all counties including Russia and China.



You should look at the correlation between members of the NPT and foreign aid. As well as countless other political nick nacks that money is buying.

youre awfully butthurt for a dickbreath who cant figure out that israel is NOT party to the nuclear non-proliferation treaty

as you can clearly see i DID NOT EDIT YOUR COMMENT, and you made NO statement which demonstrates that you are aware the israel is NOT party to the nuclear non proliferation treaty.

your editing of your own posts is irrelevant

i have no intention of going back over your previous retarded statements to see how you have revised and extended them in the past 6 months.

say what you mean or STFU
Where the fuck is our military aid? We let you refuel your CIA extraordinary rendition flights here, I'm sure hardware goes the other direction too...

Militarise the fuck out of us too, we can be your Eastern Atlantic defence.

Our Govt are decent with the economics, their diplomatic skills are fucking shite tho.
British Tax Farm Region II
British Tax Farm Region II
They're our number 1 trade partners, followed secondly by you fucks if the data hasn't changed.

What can Israel do to help the US?

Give us anti-ballistic missile capability at least, we're neutral, we can throw that shit up and say "Fuck off Russia, its for self defence in case any of you other shitheads kick-off and we get stuck in the literal middle"
The reporter in the following article witnessed the strike first hand. I incorrectly stated the first hit was on an housing/apartment complex.

The DOD must be wildly speculating too...

Your posts have been full of bullshit, devoid of fact and full of ad homs. But what is to be expected of terrorist sympathiser*?

If you side with the JDF as you claim below you sir are the one that is cracked.

From Wiki -

In todays language a “far-right religious-political militant organization” general refers to those who use violence or the threat thereof, to achieve a political goal. Your posts are filled with the kind of "radical jewish nationalism" found within the JDLs ranks.

yep, theres that entirely new claim i was expecting.
apparently children playing soccer ont he beach just wanst believable so version 2 has them fleeing israeli aggression, and version 3 features... shit i dont give a fuck.
why dont you just leave your screenplay with my secretary and ill send you some notes when i have a chance.

the DOD has no evidence the israelis have nuclear weapons.

YOUR comments are the ones which are baseless and fact free, laden with ad hominems and patently ridiculous. mine have been factual, well sourced and lightly sprinkled with the insults you so richly deserve.

you might want to look up what an ad hominem is, even though i already explained it to you in this very thread.

WIKIWISDOM!! awesome.

the JDF was clearly a typo you insufferable dimwit.

that i meant the IDF was obvious to everyone but you.

you just look more stupid every time you open your meat-flap.

carry on.
""""And its not like anyone is going to try and shut down Israels nuclear program)

Edit: i know Israel is not a member of the NPT, but I think its pretty evident they have established nukes as an attack deturrant. If i was in the kiddle east and had their weapons capability i know i would. """"
youre awfully butthurt for a dickbreath who cant figure out that israel is NOT party to the nuclear non-proliferation treaty

as you can clearly see i DID NOT EDIT YOUR COMMENT, and you made NO statement which demonstrates that you are aware the israel is NOT party to the nuclear non proliferation treaty.

your editing of your own posts is irrelevant

i have no intention of going back over your previous retarded statements to see how you have revised and extended them in the past 6 months.

say what you mean or STFU

Here is the excerpt, posted yesterday, and edited 10 minutes after original post. I found it for you since you obviously dont like hearing what any opposition in an argument has to say...

Its funny cause i dont think youve read anyones entire post. You just try to comprehend enough text to find some view point to phase personal attacks on the opposing stance.

They're our number 1 trade partners, followed secondly by you fucks if the data hasn't changed.

What can Israel do to help the US?

Give us anti-ballistic missile capability at least, we're neutral, we can throw that shit up and say "Fuck off Russia, its for self defence in case any of you other shitheads kick-off and we get stuck in the literal middle"

"What can Israel do to help the US?"

"Give us anti-ballistic missile capability at least.."

where do you think we got it? developed by the US and Israel, jointly. tested on the live-fire range of Gaza. also some important laser weapon technologies. death machines they give us.
America will always support Israel. For a couple reasons know to the public, and probably a few unbeknownst to most considering its politics.

A) We are sworn allies forever. Ending that would have multiple worldwide implications

B) America is founded on the belief of god and the holy bible. (Also a big portion of voting Americans are religious)

C) If Israel was ever to fall, they would destroy their country before seeing it go to people that were not jewish. Also causing worldwide implications with radiation levels already teatering on a global scale.

(And its not like anyone is going to try and shut down Israels nuclear program)
Edit: i know Israel is not a member of the NPT, but I think its pretty evident they have established nukes as an attack deturrant. If i was in the kiddle east and had their weapons capability i know i would.

D) To many it is prophecy that when Israel falls, it is end times.. which looking at it from a political view these days, is not that far off.

Same could also be said for about 8 different countries that we are not allied with though

Last edited: Yesterday at 10:12 PM

Yesterday at 10:03 PMReport


Page 6. Yesterday. Right before u started your period.
double false you dimwit.

israel's militatry occupation is WELL within the bounds of the pertinent portions of the geneva convention.

why hasnt anyone been dragged before the hague yet? cuz the accusations of "war crimes" are coming from WAR CRIMINALS who are in fact only making thae claims because they are getting their asses kicked and they want outside help.

ohh so now when you falsely claim i stated "the geneva convention was a un resolution" you were REALLY just correcting my mistakes...

i see.

you were only lying because you thought i said something i didnt and you felt a lie would correct my imaginary error.

good work dipshit, you sound smarter every day.

thats not an ad hominem, it is an observation based on clearly evidenced facts.

you are profoundly retarded (see above), dim witted (see your collected works) mentally handicapped (inabiltity to read and comprehend simple statements) and micro-cephallic (big words you not understand)

an ad hominem is the use of attacks against the person to fallaciously attempt to refute an argument.

i have been refuting your arguments left and right quite handily, while my observations on your obvious mental handicaps are simply colour commentary.

rational people cannot be held responsible for what morons infer from clear and unambiguous statements.

there was no such implication, all that shit happened inside you own tiny, tiny pointed head.

spies and sabotuers who attack civilian targets schools hosp[itals and neighborhoods without uniforms, by putting bombs in the backpacks of retarded kids are the perpetrators of Crimes Against Humantiy, the israelis dont do that shit, only your buddies the "palestinians" and their supporters, who coincidentally are also sandland frootloops, do that shit.


yeah i can see where you might feel accurate statements are unfair to you and your agenda since your entirte argument is just a tissue of lies.

sadly for you, i dont give a squirt of piss about your feelings, or how unfair you think it is for me to make factual statements when you cant provide any for your own position.

all arguments are not created equal, some are made of bullshit and lies (like yours) and others are firmly grounded in fact (like mine)

that you have chosen to stand on a mound of crap to shout your nonsense, does not require me to similarly handicap myself.

and if wishes was horses we would all be eating steak.

your above statement makes NO FUCKING SENSE

the jews DID get overrrun by the hadjis, and WERE forced out of their homeland for centuries while the towel heads turned their "land of milk and honey" into a dung heap.

the jews are back in israel now (even if it is only a small portion of it) and they are not gonna be driven out by fools like you or your buddies in hamas and hezzbollah.

you just arent strong enough to do the job.

the jews have been toughened by centuries of pogrom per secution and diaspora, the towelheads have no chance, not even if they get fools like you to repeat their lies for them.

Refer to above post. Proceed to medicine cabinet.

Swallow 3 midol. Remove broom stick from ass.
yep, theres that entirely new claim i was expecting.
apparently children playing soccer ont he beach just wanst believable so version 2 has them fleeing israeli aggression, and version 3 features... shit i dont give a fuck.
why dont you just leave your screenplay with my secretary and ill send you some notes when i have a chance.

the DOD has no evidence the israelis have nuclear weapons.

YOUR comments are the ones which are baseless and fact free, laden with ad hominems and patently ridiculous. mine have been factual, well sourced and lightly sprinkled with the insults you so richly deserve.

you might want to look up what an ad hominem is, even though i already explained it to you in this very thread.

WIKIWISDOM!! awesome.

the JDF was clearly a typo you insufferable dimwit.

that i meant the IDF was obvious to everyone but you.

you just look more stupid every time you open your meat-flap.

carry on.

Thanks for the sig and the bigoted xenophobia you've displayed thus far... Everything you've queefed out your meat flat (not sure you know the meaning of that word) has been inline with the ideology of terrorist groups like the JDF. Thanks for playing grandmaster
""""And its not like anyone is going to try and shut down Israels nuclear program)

Edit: i know Israel is not a member of the NPT, but I think its pretty evident they have established nukes as an attack deturrant. If i was in the kiddle east and had their weapons capability i know i would. """"

Here is the excerpt, posted yesterday, and edited 10 minutes after original post. I found it for you since you obviously dont like hearing what any opposition in an argument has to say...

Its funny cause i dont think youve read anyones entire post. You just try to comprehend enough text to find some view point to phase personal attacks on the opposing stance.

Page 6. Yesterday. Right before u started your period.
Refer to above post. Proceed to medicine cabinet.

Swallow 3 midol. Remove broom stick from ass.

so thats how youre gonna roll?

every time you make some stupid comment you will make 3 replies referencing your previously edited comments to try and make your statement seem less ignorant?

Thanks for the sig and the bigoted xenophobia you've displayed thus far... Everything you've queefed out your meat flat (not sure you know the meaning of that word) has been inline with the ideology of terrorist groups like the JDF. Thanks for playing grandmaster
so the JDF is a terrorist group now? cuz their WORDS give you unpleasant feels?

funny how you cant figure out that JDF (an obvious typo clearly reffering to the IDF) and JDL are not at all similar, yet you smugly maintain your bullshit lie and celebrate your ignorance.

you are the king of the retards.

here is your crown your highness.

so the JDF is a terrorist group now? cuz their WORDS give you unpleasant feels?

funny how you cant figure out that JDF (an obvious typo clearly reffering to the IDF) and JDL are not at all similar, yet you smugly maintain your bullshit lie and celebrate your ignorance.

you are the king of the retards.

here is your crown your highness.

The similarities between the sentiments you've expressed within this thread and the vitriol spewed by the JDL is almost identical.

What with the racism, support of the perpetrators of war crimes & indiscriminate violence not to mention political extremism, you'd be at home with the JDL like a grand wizard at a klan rally...

Just so we're clear, Judaism is a religion NOT a nationality, please differentiate.
The similarities between the sentiments you've expressed within this thread and the vitriol spewed by the JDL is almost identical.

What with the racism, support of the perpetrators of war crimes & indiscriminate violence not to mention political extremism, you'd be at home with the JDL like a grand wizard at a klan rally...

Just so we're clear, Judaism is a religion NOT a nationality, please differentiate.
demonstrate these "war crimes" you so frequently speak of.
provide examples of this "Indiscriminate violence" you harp on so regularly
show me where the racism is
point out where anybody claimed judaism was a nationality

you erect so many strawmen, you cant find the time to knock them all down.

but as the King Of The Retards, you must be busy with affairs of state, meetings with the Minister of Drooling, and making sure the Chancellor of the Exchequer's hockey helmet is strapped on tight, i can understand why you might miss a few details.
demonstrate these "war crimes" you so frequently speak of.
provide examples of this "Indiscriminate violence" you harp on so regularly
show me where the racism is
point out where anybody claimed judaism was a nationality

I hope you catch that tail one day...


Literally, you need some tail that's not related to you
3 Israeli kids were kidnapped and murdered for being Israeli. Hundreds of rockets are raining down on Israel.

What do you suggest they do?

What they do is up to them. What we should do is stay out of it. No military, or monetary support for either side.

A never ending conflict over who's version of the sky-fairy is correct. Let them sort it out themselves.
I hope you catch that tail one day...


Literally, you need some tail that's not related to you
so you cant provide any evidence for your outrageous claims.

you could have just said that, but instead you tried to be clever and crafted a thinly veiled insult which implies it is I who am unable to support my assertions.

What they do is up to them. What we should do is stay out of it. No military, or monetary support for either side.

A never ending conflict over who's version of the sky-fairy is correct. Let them sort it out themselves.
thats a great theory canada.

unfortunately, once israel is "lifted/cleansed from the pages of time", the jihadjis will start to work on europe and the rest of the west in earnest.

letting the barbarians crush another land and another people under their heel is unacceptable.
thats a great theory canada.

unfortunately, once israel is "lifted/cleansed from the pages of time", the jihadjis will start to work on europe and the rest of the west in earnest.

letting the barbarians crush another land and another people under their heel is unacceptable.
Dude, you used a little wit and made a distinct and valid point that i agree with... all without being so offensive it automatically cancels any validity to your argument.

Ps. The posts all have times posted and times edited, so quit putting words in my mouth.
Aight errrbody, I think its evident we have a troll on our hands.

Refer to standard troll protocal. Ignore it until its ego starves itself and it dies.

Then make sure to crush any eggs before they hatch
Aight errrbody, I think its evident we have a troll on our hands.

Refer to standard troll protocal. Ignore it until its ego starves itself and it dies.

Then make sure to crush any eggs before they hatch
protocal.........the land bordering the Pacific in ancient times