Show me how you wire your cooling fans


Active Member
So, I'm about to start building a veg box, and I'm wondering about wiring up some PC fans for cooling. On my current box, I have two fans wired up, but my method is pretty crude. What I did was I took a universal DC adapter and just spliced the leads from the fan into the cord. It works pretty well, but its pretty ghetto. Does anyone have a better method.


Well-Known Member
I stole my lil girls power wheels charger and cut the end off and wire nut'd it!! it too is a dc like a champ!! its bout the only way you can bro! unless you wire it to a usb cord and plug it into a pc!!


Well-Known Member
imo thats the best method. i rigged up and set up with 4 fans, a pc fan controller and a power supply from an external hard drive case but that was much more crude. i'd say stick with what you have, just go to the hardware and get some butt connectors and some shrink wrap tubing and wire it up nice.


Well-Known Member
...add a .com to go to the sites:

(and eBay of course!)

Look for innovative cooling adaptors and some of the fan grills too. A lot of the PC grows I see dont have fan protectors, and for like $0.50 each its pretty silly :) There's a bunch of other sites like the three above, but those three are the most popular. Just a simple AC-->DC converter with a few Y adapters and grills should be good enough.