Shrigpieces 4 Plant Top Dawg Grow!


Well-Known Member
Quick update.
Harvested the 4 lemon skunks and got 9.5 onces dry. Gotta lot of cleaning up to do before i find time to do a proper update. I ditched the 400 watt MH for a 125 blue cfl for now. Theres only a OG Clone, special kush and mekong haze in veg at mo.
I put the white widow and sour cream into the flowering room so we will be seeing some small flowering action in 2-3 weeks on those girls. pics within the week. Iv been to busy to sort a proper update for a while.

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
Hey Shrigs, that's one sweet puppy! I know Winston was very special to you. The next time I come up with a new
"cross" strain, (almost every year I find some viable seeds that have "appeared" in one or two of my girls), I plan to name it "Winston", to honor your friend.......BB


Well-Known Member
Iv got no cam, iv been dieing to do one but iv got no pictorial evidence. bah.sorry bro. Im getting a new cam in a couple of weeks and im gonna update on all my goings on. Gotta work out where i left off lol.
Im a busy slack mutha phucker.


Well-Known Member
Iv got no cam, iv been dieing to do one but iv got no pictorial evidence. bah.sorry bro. Im getting a new cam in a couple of weeks and im gonna update on all my goings on. Gotta work out where i left off lol.
Im a busy slack mutha phucker.
kool and i can see lol cant wait

kether noir

Well-Known Member

looking forward to seeing some of your ladies. hows the sour cream: smell, growth, stretch?

happy growing.

93 93/93


Well-Known Member
Iv got some pics lined up. The sour cream lives up to the name. Smells like sour cream.
I will post a pic.
Iv harvested the Dutch passion blueberry and wow, thats one nice smoke, very smooth after a long cure.
I also harvesed the OG the kandy and the two special kushs. Outta the three the special is the better smoke. All in curing jars at the mo


Well-Known Member
cant wait for some pix :bigjoint: how long do you cure for? do you monitor humidity in the jars? if so what % you go down to.


Well-Known Member
I cure for a month or so, I never used the jar humidity thingys. The OG is a strain that needs to be cured i might add. Tastes wierd before its had a long cure. Know its pukka


Well-Known Member
Hiya Shrig, nice grow man... Just wanted to ask you how your Top Dawg performed. I've just set 20 of them away into flower. How long did the flowering period take? What's the smoke like? Sorry to be a bother.


Well-Known Member
Never finished the top dawg, got some in veg at the moment. Sorry red im gonna do some right know.
Im a lazy old git


Well-Known Member
OK This is especialy for red. Im not the keenest photograther but i tried my hardest this time. Iv still gotta photo the new dog and curing jars.
Top Dawg.
confidential Cheese
The next plant pics are the sour cream.
After that is the White Widow, its the beast with all the consistent tops. This strain is gonna be an on going strain. Fantastic plant.
And a couplke of group shots.
Im gonna update again in a couple of days with the rest of my grow and harvest. Sorry for the lack of updates but iv had a lot going on at the moment and its hard to fit the small stuff in. I will be doing more on this thread while my life is back to a calm scenario. Peace dudes and toke one on me. bongsmilie:lol:SN850890.jpgSN850896.jpgSN850887.jpgSN850893.jpgSN850892.jpgSN850889.jpgSN850901.jpgSN850888.jpgSN850891.jpgSN850897.jpgSN850898.jpgSN850895.jpgSN850900.jpgSN850894.jpgSN850899.jpg


Well-Known Member
1 is sour cream
2 is white widow
3 is top Dawg
4 is white widow
5 and 6 is sour cream
7 group shot
8Con Cheese
9 Sour Cream
10 + 11 white widow
12 white widow
13 Group shot
14 And 15 white widow


Well-Known Member
great update :bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint: damn dude your girls got some huge buds. im ww's buds arent even close to the size of yours either. i wont bug ya for a little while now for a update :eyesmoke: