Shroom Boom First time- advice?


Okay so this is my first time growing mushrooms, and im using the bag method. Its been 1 week and 5 days since i have planted mycelium in the compost. The mycelium has covered all of the compost and im wondering when the pinheads will start to show.. Am I lagging or does it just take some time.. Strain- Hot monkey, and Camys Help


Active Member
So you let it get 100% colonized, correct?
If they have been in fruiting conditions(95-99% RH, some type of light schedule) for 12 days, you could have seen pins by now, but you never know, sometimes they will take longer to show up. Go make an account at one of the mushroom cultivation forums such as Shroomology, Shroomery, or even Shroomtalk(I like shroomology the best).
Good luck!
whatever you do, be anal about sterility. if you have to toss 98 batches before you get it right, do so. save yourself... yourself.


Well-Known Member
once your sub is "colonized", you need another week in incubation for "consolidation"...this allows the myc to thoroughly possess the sub which will help keep contams away...then its off to the fruiting chamber at reduced temps and high humidity...hth


Shit thanks guys, pins are starting to show and in about a week they should be finished.. Will show pics if i can even figure out how...