Shroom Liquid Culture

No man! this thread is about simple lc tek okay. I think i was clear about the benefit of a monoculture earlier. Seriously canndo do you just like to read your own posts? Do you just like to sound intelligent? I swear i can post a pic of a shroom and I can count on you to come along and explain why it is not perfect. Why don't you make a long thread about monocultures and read it over and over again? You can even pretend and answer your own questions. All i wanted to do was show some people how to make a simple liquid culture that can be used to grow shrooms end of story. Then you come along and shit all over it like it will not be viable. Look I'm not trying to steal your thunder. I know this is your happy little home away from home, but damn! This is not a popularity contest. You can relax. No one is trying to knock you off of your thrown. Sorry if you feel that i am lashing out at you. It's just how i feel.

Sorry dude, I got a thing about accuracy and information, didn't mean to step on your thread the way I did, carry on.
Hi again.
So I just finished pressure cooking the jars 3 hours ago and had them out cooling. I notice though that there is already particulate at the bottoms of the jars. Similar to your picture of your mycos jar but about 1/10th as much particulate. No innoc yet, was worried about this particulate. Need pics?
I noticed more particulate in some jars than others.
hi there,

just asking a few random questions if i can......
does it make much difference to how much honey you add to the jars ?? can you have more or less than what you stated ? ... i thought if you put too much honey in you would have problems when in the pc, possibly ??

also that last pic you say about having a blob of myc in the jar..... am i missing something or did you mean spores from syringe ??

what temp would you store the jars at ? and would that be in complete darkness or with light...

sorry for such newb questions lol

as canndo said, I dnt see the point In starting a LC using multispore syringe, just knock the grain up with the syringe. Germination/spawn time shouldnt vary that much, u still have to wait for the spores to germ in your dish before knocking up the jars with it. Just seems unnecessary unless your trying to isolate a tissue sample
canndo I'm trying to keep this as simple as possible for people who are new to this. There is absolutely no problem with this tek like you said earlier. I haven't misled anyone in this tek either. It works great. Lets not over complicate this. I could of made a tek on cloning, monocultures, isolation but why? You have to crawl before you can walk. If people practice sterile procedures follow this tek and noc some grain they will have myc bottom line.
Theres nothing simple about this,. flame sterilize your syringe in a clean room, wipe of residue with alcohol wipe, and knock up the jars.. simple. Starting a LC, via multispore, then using that LC to spawn your grain, are added unnecessary steps, and building a culture from a tissue sample should be no more difficult
Blakrex, There will always be particulate in the bottom of the jar with this tek. The myc will bind to it. It is good.

Kliptoe, The more honey you use can slow the myc growth. I would use 3 tbsp or a little less. I mean after nocing your jar with spores you will see myc forming in about a week. I would store the jars at 80F. After you have a decent amount of myc i would store it in a cooler place like 70F. It can be in dark or ambient light. As long as it does not get direct sunlight because it can raise the temps to high .

Mr.Marijuana4, I noc LC's and grain at the same time because it takes about the same time to colonize. However once i have the LC my colonization times with grain drop substantially. Nocin grain with MS syringe can take 2 weeks before you see any growth. When noced up with LC i have seen growth in 2 days. I just made 3 of these a few weeeks ago and open air noced em with success. Of course i wiped everything down with alcohol first, but that is all i did. This tek is easy. It's easy to make and easy to use. I mean think about it. Anytime you want boomers all you have to do is suck up some juice and noc up some grain. You grow time will be cut by at least 2 weeks. If you use a new syringe to use the LC you dont need to flame shit. Make a monculture and make this LC tek and tell me which is easier and faster.
One of my favorite methods of creating liquid culture involves several steps. I start with a dish. I isolate a good looking viable dicaryotic colony, that is, one that looks like it has formed clamp connections between two compatible spores - although this is far from fool proof, it does tend to work. I transfer that bit of mycelial tissue to a new dish and let that grow out. When that has grown, I throw the whole disk of agar into a blender with sterile water. OK? now I have millions of cut up hyphae. BUT, the ends are damaged. I innoculate some new sterile solution of any suitable nutrient (potato dextrose, malt extract or even molasses, with a few ccs of this cut up hyphae. I then keep the solution spinning at low revs with a mag stirrer. In a few days you can see tiny snowflakes in the solution. Each of the cut ends have grown out in several directions and the slow spinning keeps the tiny bits from growing together, also it tends to knock new fragments off and THEY begin to grow new and viable ends.

In a week or so I have highly potent 3d mycelial "stars" that will begin to grow almost immediately once they are placed on suitable substrate. So, a few ccs of this squirted into grain will grow to the point of visibility to the naked eye in a day.
Blakrex, There will always be particulate in the bottom of the jar with this tek. The myc will bind to it. It is good.

Kliptoe, The more honey you use can slow the myc growth. I would use 3 tbsp or a little less. I mean after nocing your jar with spores you will see myc forming in about a week. I would store the jars at 80F. After you have a decent amount of myc i would store it in a cooler place like 70F. It can be in dark or ambient light. As long as it does not get direct sunlight because it can raise the temps to high .

Mr.Marijuana4, I noc LC's and grain at the same time because it takes about the same time to colonize. However once i have the LC my colonization times with grain drop substantially. Nocin grain with MS syringe can take 2 weeks before you see any growth. When noced up with LC i have seen growth in 2 days. I just made 3 of these a few weeeks ago and open air noced em with success. Of course i wiped everything down with alcohol first, but that is all i did. This tek is easy. It's easy to make and easy to use. I mean think about it. Anytime you want boomers all you have to do is suck up some juice and noc up some grain. You grow time will be cut by at least 2 weeks. If you use a new syringe to use the LC you dont need to flame shit. Make a monculture and make this LC tek and tell me which is easier and faster.
It usually takes about 4 days to see growth for me nocc'ing grain with MS syringe. hardly ever longer than 7 days, If I dnt see growth for 2 weeks from MS syringe then I label it a dud. and then simply do g2g transfer there after for faster colonization. g2g my qrt jars are usually colonized in 7 to 10 days. If there is any variation in growth time between our methods Im certain its minimal, but as far as simple goes, I think standard inoculation, and g2g from there takes the cake
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bullshit? your right I have not built a monoculture yet. I see no need to unless I plan to clone, which I will in due time, but until then I cant compare. But as I said, standard inoculation with MS syringe, usually see growth within the first week. Out of 25 or so jars hit with the syringe, Id say 95% took no longer than a week to show growth, and on average about 3 weeks for full colonization(at room temp). two large spoonfuls, of spawn to each fresh jar of grain, and they colonize usually in a week, some varieties take longer. In the last few months Ive done a lot of g2g transfers, and very few ever take longer than ten days. Im not regurgitating shit I read, thisis what Ive taken note of. My point is that if you want to build a culture, and take that next step, then why not look into cloning as it is no more difficult, and will give better results. You're germinating spores in a dish, sucking it up with a syringe, and nocc'ing jars, and building new LC's every time you want to hit a new jar?! why? end result is still a MS culture. I dnt have the means or motive at this point in time to do LC, as Im moving to a new place soon. but you can compare if you like. nocc a jar with LC, at the same time you have a fully colonized jar(of the same culture) and g2g 2 nice sized spoonfuls of spawn, you may want to leave little less grain in the g2g as 2 tblsp of spawn takes up some space, but higher amount of spawn = faster colonization. Like I said, I doubt growth times will vary much as in both cases your essentially noccing a jar with colonized spawn, using different methods,
G2G is pretty much the same thing. Except that this LC will be readily available whenever you want it and it will last forever. In addition the chances of contamination are greater with G2G. Who said anything about making a new LC every time you want to hit some jars? Once you make the LC you will have an almost endless supply of LC. I made mine in qt mason jars a long time ago. They lasted forever. I used them a lot and it was still filled when i finally threw them out to make room for other things. To be honest i would rather make a clone with an LC instead of a monoculture.

Bottom line this tek works and it works well.
Unfortunately when you mix phenotypes of mushrooms like that you can end up with an inferior looking shrooms or one that won't go to spore. The best best to get consistent results is to use a tissue culture which is the only way I know of cloaning. Though I'm pretty sure you could do a liquid version of a clone, just sub out the agar for honey water
Totally possible, just remember that shroomies breath oxygen and the smaller your fruiting chamber the more air exchanges will need to occurs or expect contamination. I found that the best size and shape is nothing smaller than a 10 gallon aquarium and the simplest way to humidify is with the perlite method with a small heater to keep it at least 75*f.
Buddha's Belly, that is exactly what you do. Find a big fat shroom that you like and slice it down the center of the stem and cut a piece of tissue out and drop it in the LC. Since you have to open the jar it is best done in a glove box or in front of a flow hood.

Jake Vapor, You can make a dub-tub. They are compact. I've made a lot of them and usually get 1 to 1.5oz's from each tub. Here is a link to where the directions are:
You can apply this tek to any size tub not just the 6qt ones. I've made some as big as 58qt tub before:
They are great. It may seem like a lot of steps but once you do it a few times you will be able to do it in your sleep. The end result is all worth it. That is a complete tek from the very beginning to harvest. Once you make the jars you can reuse them next time too.