shutting down grow w/ 2-3 weeks left advice?


Active Member
Hello, looking for some advice to see if this not a total loss. Friend who had storage cannot store anymore, and I cannot keep up the cfl cab. 46 days into flower 3 sativa 2 indica. They also need to be flushed since they have nutes. choices are garage 30-40 degrees in soil, no light for as long as needed. Cut like roses and put in temp also no light. Cut down and start drying. Any recommendations? Some tops have turned brown, but the middle is still spitting out lots of hairs. If light is the main thing than, I guess it may be over and I will have to hope that its at least smokeable. Im just wondering if I cut them and put them in water at least they will be alive for another week, and get some of the nutes out. thanks!


Wow thats unfortunate..also a tricky situation...I would recommend you just cut down and start drying because if its not going to recieve enough light, it won't produce anymore. If that garage temp is too cold, it won't produce anymore. Cutting and putting in a vase is going to soak up that water to the buds, not produce anymore and take forever to dry. There is no way for a closet grow for maybe 15-20 days?


Active Member
thanks, no there is no way to keep the box as it is or take care of them like they need..they would have needed to go into another cabinet and hidden, only light would have been when I needed to water them.

Hairy Bob

Well-Known Member
Just cut em down, I was in a similar situation where I had to rip down my setup cos I stupidly showed it to a former mate I thought I could trust, then he told half the town... Nothing ever came of it but better to be safe.
The buds were just as nice as anything I've grown, there just wasn't as much. I don't think there's any need for a pre-harvest flush, the flavour of the bud is all in the cure (and genetics obviously), get it right and you'll be blown away, dry too much too fast and it will be harsh and nasty, that's my experience anyway.


Well-Known Member
I say you just leave the in the dark and then water em to flush a little out and then like 2 or 3 days later come in and then chop it down. At least then you can enjoy it without it tasting like straight chemicals ya know