Sick seedlings, need help!!!

Mr. Outdoors

Well-Known Member
These are 15 day old. They are in Just Right soil. Soil was flushed to get the ppms down around 200 before seeds were planted. Under T5 lights

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
In the future just use the soil right from the package and don't wash it out. The soil was balanced to feed the kids for approx. 20 - 30 days and after they throw 5 leafs per - begin feeding.

Right now - feed with full strength veg nute with a root booster and then cut back to 50% till 5 leaf clusters. Find an organic tea or living bio to reintroduce the "living" things back into your soil.

You washed out the nutrition and living bio's from the from the soil.


Active Member
In the future just use the soil right from the package and don't wash it out. The soil was balanced to feed the kids for approx. 20 - 30 days and after they throw 5 leafs per - begin feeding.

Right now - feed with full strength veg nute with a root booster and then cut back to 50% till 5 leaf clusters. Find an organic tea or living bio to reintroduce the "living" things back into your soil.

You washed out the nutrition and living bio's from the from the soil.
Yeah I think the doc is right it looks like your girls are starving. with my young seedlings in the past I have used Jobes tomato stakes ( the tiny ones) and they work great for the first month or so and then I switch over to using more heavy duty nutes like botanicare


Well-Known Member
Your ph is way low. It's a ph thing. Get your ph right and they will live. What is the ph of the water going in? What type of water is it. Do not feed at all until your ph is perfect. It may be from a touch of overwatering.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Your ph is way low. It's a ph thing. Get your ph right and they will live. What is the ph of the water going in? What type of water is it. Do not feed at all until your ph is perfect. It may be from a touch of overwatering.
Sigh,,,,The "urban myth" about Ph in soil thing again.

Ok, here we go again......any good "living" soil will self balance Ph!
Most quality synthetic nutes for soil are Ph neutral. That means that the nutes allow the soil to do it's job as far as Ph balance goes.
Unless your soil has an EXTREME Ph condition it will self balance.

Even if you don't grow organic, I strongly suggest anyone read up on the relationship between microbes - soil - plant. What you will learn is worth it's weight in finished product!

In any case no matter how you grow. You MUST add a CalMag product to RO water along with your nutes! RO strips out EVERYTHING from your water and in nature Calcium and Magnesium are "buffers" that regulate plant nutritional uptake, helping for "useable balance" in macro and micro nutrients.

Your girls will recover if care and advice is taken.

Good luck