Sigh....Can it be saved?


Active Member
Not really sure wtf just happened. I believe this to be nute burn but this is very odd. I looked at my plants last night and everything was fine. A few mins ago I go outside and see this.

So this is a Northern Lights. Its approx 4+ weeks old, and has been in this pot for 3+weeks now. Soil is FFOF. I started feeding Humboldt Nutrients Grow Last week. Have fed my plants twice, 1 time at 1/4 str and this past time at 1/2 str. The last time I fed/watered was 4 days ago, so not sure why this would happen after so many days. Any ideas on if this is trueley nute burn? None of my other plants show any sign of damage at all. These are outdoor plants that stay outdoors 24/7 and recieve around 5+hrs or direct afternoon/evening sunlight.

I just flushed this a few mins ago, not ALL the leaves are wilted yet? Do you think this plant will make it? I think im gonna go back to 1/4 str on nutes for another week or so. Or do you think I can stay at 1/2 str with the others since they didnt show any damage? Thanks for the advice folks!


Well-Known Member
Yeah if there's still green there's a good chance flush with 1/4 strength nutes (3 times the volume of the pot) and wait & see.. then work your way up slowly again


Well-Known Member
It may be possible to save it. But even if you do its probally going to be very stunted. Might just be best to start another plant as a stand by.


Well-Known Member
It may be saved jusy do a flush with straight water, and keep Misting it! It may pull through


Active Member
If it were the seed or the genetics.... I don't think it would have lasted this long... genetics don't just decide to go bad out of nowhere... There will be tell tale signs throughout the entire cycle of the plant...


Active Member
Thanks for all the replies guys. I flushed it and have it sitting in a spot thats getting about 75% shade. Im gonna cut back the nutes on my other plants too even though they arent showing any signs of stress. Any ideas why this would take 3 days to burn, and then it happen over night in a 12hr period?

BTW: Can I go ahead and cut off the dead leaves, or should I just leave it alone since its already under alot of stress?


Active Member
Should I cut the dead leaves now? Or just leave it alone for a few days since its obviously stressed out?