Silencing duct exit


Active Member
Ive built a growroom in my wallspace, ive had to send the hot air outake ducting back into my room for obvious reasons. . Though.the hum is rather noisy/annoying when trying to chill and watch a movie etc.Are there any effective methods for silencing vent outputs? Ta chaps


Well-Known Member
Its the interior of the venting tube or ducting that makes the noise as air is pushed around corners, or over kinks, avoid bends and kinks, aim the outlet under the house, go down not up


Active Member
as with my previous encouters and help from a member called "widow maker",there is acctually something called a "duct muffler,or duct silencer" give it a search on ebay or google,and a whole lot will come up,i just ordered one for myself,so i cannot tell you the effectiveness of them,but reading reviews and doing my research,they seem to cut the sound down by 50-70% depending on the speed of your air!


Well-Known Member
You can buy duct mufflers ($50-100)... or might check the DIY section, think I've seen a tutorial for making your own but no idea how effective a DIY one would be.


Active Member
They are fairly reasonably priced for the purpose that they serve,if you are willing to hold off a week,i can give you a good review on the one i get


Active Member
Its the interior of the venting tube or ducting that makes the noise as air is pushed around corners, or over kinks, avoid bends and kinks, aim the outlet under the house, go down not up
Ah right ok! Il straighten it out best I can (its very bendy atm) then see how it sounds :).cheers matey


Active Member
Sablezen/fanboyz.sweet that sounds skint for another few days so yeh if you could give us a review when you get yours thatd be brill fanboyz!


Well-Known Member
Is this flexible ducting we're talking about? There's insulated which is much quieter. Even if you just add a piece at the end it will go a long way towards muffling that sound, which is coming out the end of the duct, after all, just like a trumpet. I have a six inch fan at the end of my exhaust and the noise was cut tremendously when I added insulated ducting for a short length after the fan.


Active Member
Is this flexible ducting we're talking about? There's insulated which is much quieter. Even if you just add a piece at the end it will go a long way towards muffling that sound, which is coming out the end of the duct, after all, just like a trumpet. I have a six inch fan at the end of my exhaust and the noise was cut tremendously when I added insulated ducting for a short length after the fan.
Sweet il do that tomorrow. They do it a b n q for pretty cheap :)