silly leaves


Active Member
hey i was just wondering if any of you guys know why my leaves are curling like this. i read a couple places that it might be heat stress but it doesnt seem hot enough for there to be any stress. i could be completely wrong. this one is the worst. the other 2 look relatively normal but the new leaves are starting to curl kinda like this on as well. there is one cfl light about 2.5 inches above each plant. ive got a fan in there blowing as hard as it can without fucking up the plants.

lemme know what you guys think.


Active Member
Except they're not sagging. That's what I thought it was at first too. But the leaves are growing like that. Like the little stem in the middle of the leaf has grown curved. If I tried to hold the leaf up it would probably break the stem


Active Member
looks like classic over watering to me. Are you waiting until the top three inches of soil is bone dry?


Active Member
Not 3. 1.5 to 2 inches. I hardly ever water them though. The soil holds water for a loong time. I have only watered them once since I transplanted them a couple weeks ago. Also. I watered the other 2 the same and they are not nearly as deformed as the first one. The one that is all deformed experienced a stretch in the second week after it was planted because I went out of town and didn't realize that the light was too far away


Well-Known Member
Id say leave em for now. Dont get too paranoid...or you'll end up fucking em up worse. theyre sagging, so what. they cant be always perfect.

Micheal Kelso

Well-Known Member
Looks like heat stress to me - temps over 30C/80F will cause that in seedlings and early veg time. As long as you take care of that they should be fine, it's just going to be fan leaves or lower stuff you trim off any way.