single cola plants?


Well-Known Member
quick question. My girls (crosses fingers) are on day 8 of 12/12 and doing great. I was wondering if when in fact they do hit the 14 day mark if I were to shut off the lights for 24-48 to induce flowering would it stress the plants? Or would it signal to them it's time to flower? I just don't want to unnecessarily stress them.


Well-Known Member
Couldn't tell you really. I did that on accident my last grow but didn't notice any difference. I don't think it stresses the plant to much, but if you can't get noticable improvement why bother. Maybe someone else can help more than I.


Well-Known Member
Ok so, one males this morning, 7 left to sex. Can anyone tell me why these 7 plants would take so long to show their sex? Today is 39 days! It's not lights leaks or temp or anything like that. If my crowing conditions were off then I imagine the other 22 wouldn't of shown sex either. Plus, the remaining 7 are the same size as the already sexed females. I would think if something were that off I would know. My temps stay at around 80/day and 70-74/night. Can't figure it out. Anyone had this happen with bagseed? I assume it's the strain. I suppose the bigger at sexing the bigger the plant at harvest, the more bud, right? I guess it's not a bad thing as long as it's not something I'm causing.

-The Dude


Well-Known Member
The only thing I could think of off hand, is the strain. Starting 12/12 from seed, doesn't allow the plants to mature at all first. Perhaps those plants are a slightly different strain, of phenotype that needs to mature more before it sexes!


Well-Known Member
My avatar was grown in 12/12, I love the way they turn out....quote=custodio214;198535]thats exactly correct i started some along time ago and went into 12 12 early and they came out spears. These new 2 that i now have turned into long neck bushes cuz i kept them in 24 hr for too long .[/quote]


Well-Known Member
I'm not saying there's a prob with 12/12 from seedling or clone necessarily, but that perhaps some strains, just aren't suited for it.


Well-Known Member
Wow. A thread were people agree and contribute. Rare lately.

Exactly what I was thinking ThunderCat. Love the name by the way! The remaining 7 seem to be healthy and growing well for Veg. Really strong vertical growth I assume due to pruning of all lower branches.

I agree also. I hate bag seeds. It would have been ideal to select a strain that grew this way naturally. But doing 12/12 from seed seems like it would be a waste of good seeds. If the strain grew naturally this way, why start 12/12 so early? Chances are all you'll do is rob yourself of much bud had you let her veg a while. I'm trying to induce "unnatural" single cola growth by doing 12/12 from seed.

But everyone's right. If you decided to grow this way; Ideally choose a strain with natural single cola growth, let it veg. a while, flower, smoke. But if your looking to save on seeds or take some vegging time off; Just do bag seeds. There good for expirements like these. Seeds get expensive without a mother. No sense abusing a good strain with early 12/12 if she'll grow the way you want without using your pimp hand.

Thanks everyone
-The Dude


Well-Known Member
Once you have a mother from good seed, you could simply clone into 12/12, to save the time of veging. You'd be able to get a cycle going for perpetual harvest, and eliminate the veg time, thats what I'll be doing once I get the Omega. I'll have prolly 2-3 mothers, and clone them once i'm about 2 weeks from harvest, and put the clones under 12/12 it will take 10-14 days for them to changeover, which will give them enough time to root before I put them into the wheel. Then start all over again.


Well-Known Member
Ok, so I managed to snap ONE good close-up of one of the females going on 2 weeks flower. But I had to take literally 30 photos to get a clear in-focus one. Anyone know how to take clear in-focus pics with a digital camera?

Oh, 2 more females, 3 left to sex. 25 females so far.
:leaf:-The Dude



Well-Known Member
I snapped some better photos. Finally got 25 females! Gave the other three away. I transplanted a few that a lot of roots. I'll transplant as many as I can fit. Need soil though. Strong growth on all plants. Older plants are starting strong bud growth and vertical growth is slowing.
Plants continue primarily only single cola growth, no branching. Some plants have been trimmed differently to see what happens. Transplanting from two liters proved VERY non-stressful. I used an Exacto knife to cut it away and another two liter to make a perfect hole for the transplant.

-The Dude



Well-Known Member
I have one plant that, on it own, no prunning or topping grew two perfect tops. Anyone seen this? The main stem grew three fan leaves and two new main tops all from one spot. I posted pics in my last photo spread. Anyone know the cause? They look great and both new tops have grown 3-4 inches in the last week.

Thanks all.

-The Dude


Well-Known Member
That's what were trying to find out. They are looking really good so far in my opinion. Then again I'm not partial. I have 3 that are 2 weeks in flower, my oldest; Have some awesome bud growth along the whole stem. It's NIIIIIICCCCEEE!!!

-On a side note: Anyone heard or grown the "Ice" strain at Nirvana Seeds? It looked pretty gnarly. Was wondering if the yeild estimates on the website are correct and if the color is really blue-ish.

Thanks for your interest,


Well-Known Member
I've heard of it, not grown it. I've read some reviews, form british, growers, that seemed to really like the ICE. It also seems to be a common cross, I have seen alot of ICE hybrids. Supposed to be some good shit, don't know if it really is blue though.


Well-Known Member
Just hacked off a bunch of the canopy. Everything that was shading a node. I know it seems drastic but it seems the way to go. I have tried leaving them on, or letting the bottom branches grow, but I have a plant about 2 weeks flower that I did this to and she is looking fucking beautiful Now. I have 3 I think the same age that I trimmed differently; The straight, one cola seems the way to go, expecially with plants so small.

After trimming in week one flower, plants show AWESOME bud growth by 2 weeks flower. Here's the pics: There's pics of the different ways I pruned to see which would show best growth by week two. Def. Single Cola ONLY.

The last pic in the set is the plant that somehow grew two tops by itself, no prunning. Anyone know how?

The first pic is the female that was trimmed like the others were today; In week one of flower. This pic is about a week after. She looked like all others do now when she was trimmed.




Well-Known Member
Quick question. I have slowly been increasing my nutrient levels. I have managed somehow to almost double the recommendation without any nute burn. Invinsible strain? Should I keep going? Not used to soil. I am lucky to get to the manufactures recommendation in my hydro setup without some nute burn. I usually aim for a little nute burn then back of a tad and level off.

-The Dude


Well-Known Member
its the salt bild up you have to be careful for normally soil you can add more and its ok but dont over over do it or it could be bad....


Well-Known Member
I Think that it shows up as nute deficieny, you should flush your plants(soil as a medium) at least once a grow, it washes away the salt build up. Then let it dry out for like 4 days and when you do water it, it'll come back even stronger and more vigorous. Its just the nature drout after a flood. At least thats what iv read, but its legit. You should try it and hit me back with a PM on how it went.