Slik&Friends-Growin-Some-Veggies Grow Journal


Well-Known Member
i have cilantro and basil going too and wow they grow slow compared to bud.

i cut a strawberry into 4 peices and let it dry out in the sun... gonna try to grow the seeds..

i also planted an apple seed well see what happens.


Well-Known Member
its deff not a pine tree... haha at least i know that much.

i was thinking maybe soursop but im not sure the fruits are too small.

i can break them open and they seem to have an egg looking thing inside and it smells sour.

anybody seen this before?


Well-Known Member
i also recently noticed i have 2 sapodilla trees. the fruit is very strange it has an unpleasent texture and smell but it tastes exactly like a pear soaked in brown sugar.

this is soo cool. you can chew the sap of this tree. its just like gum but with no flavor.


Well-Known Member
you must be cause ive been looking and couldent find it on google.

i cant wait to try them. i never have before. and last year i dont remember these trees getting fruit.


Well-Known Member
hey people how are your gardens going? mine is doing pretty well....

cilantro and basil 13 days since they hit the dirt...

lettuce leaf basil...

my 3 plants going into the ground... biggest one is a lemonxak47, my dog ate part of it but its doing ok just topped it for the second time. the smaller ones are blueberryxak47 and some sativa bagseed.

my dog is great cause she protects the yard but she loves to eat my plants.. bitch! so i dont have any chicken wire i had to use other stuff...

heres whats in "the dog cage plot" this one is a regs plant i got from a friend.... these plants wil stay in pots as i dont have enough room in the ground and i dont feel like digging more holes...

bagseed looks sativa... its a little fucked up hopefully it will recover. my friend had to ditch his PC grow so he gave me the plants.

anyone have an idea whats wrong? i suspect nute burn.. it was in a small cup as was the regs plant...

transplanted my persian mulberry to a huge pot.. that shit weighs like a 100lbs... also my sanpedro is doing great and my bonsai blueberry is getting more leaves...

my pineapple is getting bigger, it takes about 6 months to mature...

still no bananas but they are growing like crazy. they still look the same though so no pic.


Well-Known Member
lookin good man. i still have a couple weeks before anything is going outside. i need the room, these veggies are cramping my space!


Well-Known Member
real busy with work lately.

indoor lettuce

indoor carrots seem to be doing well in containers

my outdoor strawberries will definetly not produce this year and i dont think these indoor ones will either. lots of runners though!



looks good bro.... thanks to your pictures, i now know that i have carrots growing in my flower bed....


Well-Known Member
I had a strawberry but that's got too big , so i got myself a canna Cleopatra Its Just Starting