Slow Growth Two Month Old Plant


might aswell doit then, if you think its the right thing to do then ill doit, im a newbie so this suggestions will doo . thanks again, ill post some updated pictures later on ,


Photo0241.jpgthats the plant my girl had from me you can berly see the balls but those are it . heres the actual size she says its about 1 monthPhoto0239.jpg, and heres the updated plantPhoto0246.jpgPhoto0314.jpg dont know if you could really tell but thats the topped part . and heres a pic of the whole thingPhoto0262.jpgPhoto0285.jpgPhoto0307.jpg lst :weed:



Well-Known Member
buy one 250 watt HPS or MH from Home Dep, or higher wattage cfl's, or a T5 fluorescent panel - 8 bulb would be excellent, 4 bulb acceptable (if you are wanting to not use as much electricity as an HID would consume). I do not agree that it has enough light, it should be about twice that size by 2 months. That being said, you are doing a great job keeping it healthy, especially for your first grow. Good job, hope this helps, happy growin. TGH - your neighbor to the north.


green hornet, well yea i know that forsurethat i need more watts to it, currently i found 4 cfls that are 30 watts each. but where i stay at is in mexico, so homedepots arent really here. but waltmart is though they surely have the lights there . just that im on a budget right now, i payy bills here and in the states so cant really spend much, but dont get me wrong i want the best for this grow, ever since i started lst like a week or so its been improving , but i try to have it 8 hours of cfls light and the rest (till 7) sunlight, my buddy here sticky have gaved me goodass advice thoughh, thanks for your too. ill be looking to buy her a good light this weekend