Small buds and smallish plant! outdoors

DSCF2624.jpgDSCF2619.jpgDSCF2637.jpgDSCF2638.jpgDSCF2623.jpgThis is my second time growing, last year my plants got stollen. I have 3 plants, one has been flowering for 5-6 weeks, the other two just started. Got them as clones, not sure about strain,pineapple something. Anyway, my budding plant has lots of trichomes, lots of bud sites but plant is smaller than others and buds are kinda thin. I don't know if the buds will swell a lot in the next few weeks or not, kinda worried, wondering what the problem is and if there is any last minute things to do in these final weeks before harvest to increase yield. Also any tips for the other plants that just started flowering? I was using a 10-10-5 fertilizer, but changed to 1-5-6 after flowering started. Gonna have to flush soon. I water about every 5 days. The location in central california.

Also, i took some clones before and right around the beginning of flowering, just for a little extra yield, any tips with really late clones? Maybe SOG, or a really quick way for maturing small plants? I know that yield will be small
DSCF2631.jpgDSCF2635.jpgI have also been doing LST on all my plants, and super cropping on the late bloomers. here is a picture of the plants that are behind the budding one.


Well-Known Member
haha bro its fine, you will harvest in october ok. i bet your plants have shown their pre flowers for a while, but your most mature plant has only been flowering for like 2.5 weeks by the loo of it., im in the valley too and mine are just starting. its kinda late this year cuz the weather has been odd. and all the farmers makets in the valley have not been able to harvest their fruit cuz its not ripe. the weather is gonna effect the harvest a little but no worries your plant look good
any idea how much they might yield? i know it varies a lot, but just an estimate for the mature one, its almost 2 feet high and about 2 feet wide....


the valleys has had some weird weather this season so plants are a little tweaked out but they look fine and depends on the strain and how ur feeding it on the yield


Well-Known Member
Best thing now is more sunlight(better growth and prevent mold), move them into the sun or cut down trees with a bush saw, this will give you more weight.


Active Member
you should also try feeding them somethin like beastie blooms which is high in phosphorus and low in nitrogen. beastie blooms is 0-50-30. i use it and it really makes the colas swell and put on weight. other than that your plants look fine. your growing outdoors so mother nature controls alot of your growing. just be patient and dont harvest to soon. as they get older pay attention to the trichomes to determine when its good to harvest.


Well-Known Member
yeah the mature one is gonna yield; 2oz minimum - 4oz max. im seeing 2.75oz

and its best to keep feeding the way you have cuz they have stayed healthy, a balanced diet is good, and a diet that leans toward K(the whole grow) is best.