small cfl grow closet. MAJOR HEAT ISSUES


Active Member
I have a 4x2x8 closet with 7 23watt cfls and 1 43 watt cfl. i have a 10 inch fan in there that constantly blows over the canopy. i have 6 babies that are short and bushy and are about 6 inches tall..
Anyway I have no way to introduce an intake or outtake. I cannot cut any holes and that sux b-cuz i know that would solve my prob easily...What i wanna know is do you guys know of any other methods of cooling down a room of my size?? The room stays at a constant 95-100f.
All that i have heard of is freezing big jugs of water and letting the fan blow over it. which is a good idea but it just seems like i would have to change ice out every few hours...Has anyone ever heard of any kind of small room chiller or something...Thanks guys I would not be anywhere without you all.

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
Your never going to be able to get rid of the heat if you don't have an exhaust. A fan just moves the air it doesn't temper it. As far as the ice goes, it sounds impractical for your entire grow. if it's a closet why don't you just cut a hole in the ceiling?


Active Member
Might try a 150w hps. All those CFLs produce heat, a single 150w HPS might be cooler. I used to run a 125w CFLx1, 23w CFLx2, 45w CFLx1...switched to 150w HPS and it's about 10 degrees cooler in the cab.

Just an idea.


Well-Known Member
i had the same issue with 6 of those cfls in a similiar sized cab. I ended up just taking out the whole setup. just find a garage sale that sells desktop computer desk. it's pretty good to start ur setup with.


Well-Known Member
Can you put an exhaust fan in the ceiling? How about a carbon filter and fan combo? I get the name of the place I got mine....brb


Well-Known Member
Alright here it Nice little units, with some padding you'll have little noise, and no smell. That friggin' basement keeps getting farther away..


Well-Known Member
i made a diy one, no filter attached yet, but i used a 4" inline duct fan to pull the heat out of my box, 10 degree drop instantly. im in a 2x2x3h


Well-Known Member
I also took a fan and aimed it at the floor to even the temps out and it worked well, now instead of jungle at my head and subarctic at my feet just a nice sheen of sweat every where*lol*