small problem


Active Member
so i germed a cupple bag seeds and only one made it through the whole prosess. after fabbing a 10 gal bucket into a grow space (figured it was a good idea because its round sealed a white) i started feeling bad for my little survivor i decided to upgrade her house into an old dresser. i went out and spent my last 20$ on polly ect to make a nice little home for her (yes she WILL become female) lol. after spending an hour making a home i went to put her in it and got her a little to close to the fan and i snapped the stem, after changing my underpants i rushed her up to the kitchen to do some toothpic surgary and made a tee pee frame around the stem to hold it up, it wasnt a clean snap of the stem but it broke and fell over ..
i was wondering if anyone has had this happen and managed to pull off a harvest from a plant witch has suffered the same fate.

any encouraging words of wisdome would help. she seems to made it through the night although the leafs are starting to twist "that might be from the 8 degree increase after the polly (sitting around 78 ) " ..
thanks for looking ill post some pics in a cupple days if she survives

but please let me know if you have pulled off a healthey plant after she sufferd the same fate