smart pots

Yes you can reuse them. Yes they are extremely durable I've drug 60 Gallon smart pots across cement when they were fully watered and they never tore. No they don't tip over easily. Although for indoor I would say there is no benefit in using them. I would suggest them for outdoor they seem to keep people from getting root rot which is a huge culprit in destroying outdoor plants. I've never noticed a increase in yield from using them.


Well-Known Member
They are very reusable and very durable. They are great indoors and out. They air prune the roots to a 3 gallon smart pot can grow plants bigger than something in say a 5 gal paint bucket. Most of them are wider than they are tall so tipping ver shouldn't be an issue!
Good luck,



Well-Known Member
They stand up perfect filled w soil...yes reusable...yes u can pick em up and move them..yes plants like them a lot...they get pretty "solid" once filled w soil n watered...especially after a bit n there's a growing plant w roots in there...I've nvr had a prob w them and prefer nothing else actually...theyre best for cannibis imo


Well-Known Member
I'm not going to tell you how the yields work out cause I'm not that far with them yet, but they won't tip for sure. Dirt holds it's shape well even without roots. They have flat bottoms. Plants seem healthy and happy, any happier then in a pot? Don't know. I'm not a plant. They are easier to move around then a conventional pot I think, and I can cram more in my veg cab cause they don't have stupid rims or V shapes.


Well-Known Member

The 30g pots are smart pots the smaller ones are 10g geo pots.

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harris hawk

Well-Known Member
Yer, they are good and help pre-vent rootbinding, when the root hits the fabric the fabric "pruns" it with the help 0f o2, as were in plastic they hit the plastic and a spriral down and forms a root ball and stops growth.our pick ever look into "" check it out before you make your decision air-pots never root rot/balls


Well-Known Member
I've used both smart and Geo ....I use only Geo now and plants look happy as can be can't wait to rock some outdoors this year


Well-Known Member
while your at it, figure out a way to suspend it in mid air or on top of a perforated platform, it will make even more of a difference.
great info. now I have a math question lol. how many bags of soil to fill five 5gallon pots. and 2-3 3 gallon pots. I'm getting the pro mix hp. i think there 2.2 sq ft a bag.


Well-Known Member
The only beef I have I have with my smart pots (5 gal) is that they are a pain in the ass to water the plants if you don't lollipop...and I don't.

Do they offer bigger did several side-by-side comparisons to a 5 gal bucket with holes drilled into it and they came out the same.

other than that, I'm with everyone else that says they're durable and reusable.


Well-Known Member
^ I will have to remember this, I have one DIY smart pot I am using now and really like it, but I can see how airflow can be impeded, thanks!
Smart pots are amazing. I have used them with great success on cannabis, leafy veggies and even tomatoes. Was growing some broccoli and cauliflower as a test but those died with the recent frost.

Pros would include root pruning, aeration, durability

The only real con is that you need to understand how to water them. You can't overwater in the sense that the root zone will almost certainly not get soggy. But you can end up giving them too much water on the hottest days and the plants might get a little pale. I strongly recommend mulching the tops of the pots for summer growing.


Active Member
can any of these be planted and decompose? i am growing some fruit and pecan seedlings that i don't want to put into the ground now. seems like if the root can grow into the fabric it is not a good thing for transplanting later.