Smile And Orange Bud in Waterfarm ! 600w 4x4 (1st grow)


Well-Known Member
Here we are, it has been 3 weeks since I've put the seeds in those wonderful waterfarms. They seems to be doing fine, no problems to report whatsoever and they just love them nuts ! So I changed the rez again today (keep getting some leftovers deposit from the hydraton in the waterfarm) and I bumped it up to 400 ppm with 5.7 ph.

So my grow tent was at first a 4x4x6,5 but it didn't fit in my basement. I had to cut it and it is now a 4x4x6,2. Although this seems to be a minor change my hydrofarm air cooled reflector is actually quite big and takes, when it's at his highest 1,5 feet. Leaving me with about 4,5 feet of grow space in height. Since orange bud and smile tend to stretch a lot I think I'm stuck with doing a Scrog if I want a good result. A good result for me is 1lbs and over. So first grow, first hydro, first scrog. I'm going to start training the ladies soon enough and put that scrog in place. I estimate I'll turn to 12/12 in 10 to 14 days.

What do you guys think ?



Well-Known Member
looking good marv. those stems firming up yet? shouldnt matter anyway once u scrog because the screen will help support the plant


Well-Known Member
hey marv, just read your whole thread. your doing fine. You just had your light WAY to far when they were first coming up. Next time keep that light tight to them as they emerge. just far enough to not burn them. Also, I am right there with you as far as scottyballz and dayz. Their threads have been invaluable to me as well. If i was you, i would def do your scrog. and id get it over them asap. Just make sure you have about 10ish inches between the waterfarm and screen. Also, i have read that the flora nova grow can cause some problems and frustrations. After i read scottyballz thread almost a year ago, i have been using Flora Nova Bloom exclusively. Works amazing, ether hydro or soil. Also, if your going to do a scrog (which by the sounds of it, you want to), i wouldnt even think about flipping until you get that screen almost full, which im guessing will take longer then 2 more weeks. I feel like you are putting too much into getting over a pound as well. I for sure think you will be able to get that when you get a few more grows under your belt. Easy. But dont be down if you dont get it for first or even second grow. Ive only been growing a little over a year, but i learn so much every time, that each grow is way better then the last. ill start watching your Journal here man. Ive done a few waterfarm grows, and i think i can help some as well, if you need. Oh and your ph is indeed from your hydroton. I rinsed the shit out of mine for days, and it still messed with me for the first few weeks of use.
If you get time, check my journal. ive got one 3ft scrog plant. :hump:


Well-Known Member
thanks guys,

yes the stem are becoming bigger and bigger everyday. Pretty confident they'll end up to be huge!

Thanks for all the info oriah! to be honest with you, yes I might be trying too much to get over a pound. The reason is this grow is suppose to supply 4 avid smoker and pay back for the electricity and nuts we bought. That and I want to show my social circle how much the weed in the street is shit and how much everybody should have their own plant(need a lot to share a lot). Were I live hell angels, Italians or whatever what criminal organisation is running the streets has the bad habit of producing quality weed but these asshole make it dry a 30 degree for 3 days instead of the 2 weeks required to get full aroma and smell. So we have good weed that basicly smell and taste like shit ! None of my friends actually got to travel the world like I did and see all kind of installation, go to amsterdam and all that stuff so they think what we get here is actually good. Well what we have is good but it's just not enjoyable to smoke that much. People are just smoking to get to the high state period, they look more like crack fiends then pot heads. They don't appreciate the plant, how it is done or a truly good weed and the simple fact of rolling it, sharing it over a nice discussion and enjoying it from start to end. I'm just preaching for people to stop fattening that mafioso on the street corner if you see what I mean.


Well-Known Member

  • Also, i have read that the flora nova grow can cause some problems and frustrations. After i read scottyballz thread almost a year ago, i have been using Flora Nova Bloom exclusively. Works amazing, ether hydro or soil. Also, if your going to do a scrog (which by the sounds of it, you want to), i wouldnt even think about flipping until you get that screen almost full, which im guessing will take longer then 2 more weeks.​

Oriah !
I actually read some good things on the flora nova grow, even from some people who had read scottyballz journal and apparently it's good. Now if you tell me you had some problem with I'll probably switch it back. Cause I started out with flora nova bloom and make the switch not so long ago and to be honest I don't think there was a difference. But I'm kindda stock with a enormous bottle of flora nova grow so I need to use it at some point. Is it any good for mothers or clone ?

As for the Scrog, most of the documentation I read about scrog was telling me to wait till 50 to 80% of the screen was filled, especialy with a waterfarm ! I'm really short on height and if I wait to long and end up with something like Dayzt and it won't work out. I thought I'd be better off turning them sooner and be sure to fit it all then risk filling everything and not having enough space in the end.

Should I make a scrog devided in 2 so I don't mix up the two plants or one big is good enough and I won't have any trouble separating the two ladies when harvest comes ?


Well-Known Member
hey marv there is nothing at all wrong with nova grow. i started using just bloom but was gifted a bottle of grow and after making the change i will never stop using it.

that said there is nothing wrong with using just bloom either but if you have the grow u may as well use it.

also with the screen, it really depends on your strain. if u have time read my threadand u will see. two of my plants both were veg'd for 4 weeks then screen dropped on and turned 12/12 i did not do any training before i flipped. the first plant is very sativa and stretched tons i have 2m headroom and still ran out of space

the second one is very indica and could barely fill a screen of half the size.

my advice is to read up on your particular strains and go from there.

that said oriah has one beautiful scrog going on. his certainly are a lot better than mine. but im just saying i dont think there is any one formula for how much to fill your screen it is very plant dependent. i know i will definitely be taking it into account on my next grow

@oriah i dont mean to go against what you are saying because i checked out your grow and that scrog really is great i hope i can get mine looking that good soon.


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So I have a ultra-rapid growing sativa : Smile (well atleast that's what the internet tells me) and a sativa/indica but mostly indica : Orange bud. So I will have the problem of having one huge girl and a smaller skinnier one... I don't like that ! I believe each and every single one of my children should have a equal right to development ! So I was thinking I could do a scrog shaped like this : ___/ So my orange bud has a the half of a 3 1/2 x 3 1/2 scrog for himself and the Smile has the other one plus a vertical scrog to catch her extra growth.
Does that make sense ?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, about the nova grow, ive never used it. Ive just read about folks having some issues, seen scotty using just bloom, and ran with it. If its working for you then great. you have it already, no sense in wasting money. :-) About the scrog flipin, my saying mostly full was the wrong words. I just envisioned you flipping with a barely filled screen. Although ive personally never seen even the craziest sativas stretch to fill another 50% of a screen. Not saying that they cant, just ive never read about it. I personally try to flip so that by the end of stretch, Ive got about 6-12 inches above screen, so they can fill out. Doesnt always work out that way, but thats what i shoot for. To me, considering your goal, id go for fliping just a little later then you think, that way you"ll be sure to have a full screen. Worst case, you have to tie down or supercrop some branches. But if you flip too early, you may end up shorter then you'd like on the weight... But make sure you put your farm on a block or something, that way you can still drain the res easy. I didnt do that the first time, and with a scrog screen you cant lift the top off. So it was a real bitch. @ forgetiwashere, no worries man. If everyone did things the same, then we wouldnt have ended up with so many awesome ways to grow. :-) Thanks for the kind words about mine.


Well-Known Member
hey oriah here she is veg for 4 weeks then dropped on the screen. the same day i put down the screen i flipped to 12/12

she quickly filled out the screen ( i used this shot instead of a shot where the screen is full because otherwise u wouldnt be able to see the screen

this is her now

that photo is taken from screen level. so from the day she was flipped she then stretched enough to fill a 1m x 1m screen (40 inches x 40 inches i think is how it converts)
then still stretched 2 ft above the screen again.
this is a very extreme case of stretch this variety is known to be extremely vigorous and stretchy so i doubt you will encounter anything like this but just showing that it can happen.

i think it depends on the plants size when its flipped as to how much it stretches?


Well-Known Member
I'll keep posting pictures on a regular basis so you guys can help me out on when to flip. Since yesterday the girls drank a lot of water ! I gave them 400ppm and by this morning it was down at 370 and missing a bit less then a inch of water ! So I was starting to make the plans for my screen. I was thinking about a square of 3 1/2 x 3 1/2 to fit in my 4x4. I would devided it in two to not mix up the two plants. So each plant would have a 3 1/2 x 1 3/4 screen. The smile would get a flat screen for 1 feet and then the last 3/4 feet would rise up in the air about 2 feets to catch all her extra growth. So it is shape like this : ___/

Next stop is topping ! I love the result Oriah got with his topping so I was thinking about doing something similar. I guess my babies are going to be ready for that in the next few days. So I'm going to read a bit more on that and I guess I'll do that.

Just for the hell of it here is a picture update, wasnt planning on putting some up but I guess I have a bit of free time in front of me so I'll do that for you guys !
Ps I think my plants are growing so fast they have a light nitrogene and magnesium deficiency. I'll bump up the ppm to 600 in a day or two I think



Well-Known Member
oriah is probably the go to man for when to filling your screen as u can see from my thread and pics im still trying to get the hang of it.

this is my second attempt. this ones an indica on a much smaller screen and this time i didnt even manage to fill the screen correctly. hopefully by my next grow i can get it right lol

funny thing is this one had the exact same veg time and was about the same size when i flipped her just had no where near the stretch as the buddha


Well-Known Member
third times the charm ! You'll get it !

Guess plants are likes humans, some are big and strong some are weaker even though they have the same mother.


Well-Known Member
ya guys, sometimes its hard to tell. Looking good though. So marv, you said your plants drank, and the ppm went down. aka they used more nutes then water - aka - they want a higher ppm. I would deff bump it up asap. About the topping, you totally dont have to. you can just keep tuckin. the way i run in ommp, i get a certain number of smalls and big plants. So "small veg" to about 8 inches tall, then top and strip up to the top 4 main branches (ending up at about a ft), and send those to the 4 corners. Makes for a clean understory, and all growth right at screen level, then up. Still working on it, but thats the idea anyway. Like i said, make sure you stick them on some sort of riser, at least 6", or you will have a hell of a time changing and testing your nutes. I do indeed like your one sided V-scrog idea. Im sure i will work great. But that means that most of her will have to go that direction. I learned with my first tent that im doing now, that scroging more then one strain is sometimes a challenge.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the heads up about elevating the two waterfarm Oriah. I was going to do it when I put the scrog down. So I'll bump their ppms to 600 tomorow and that should do the trick.


Well-Known Member
So here we are, I have a problem with my plants ! The lower leaf are starting to turn yellow from the tip. I think it is a nitrogene defiency. I looked it up and it seems to be matching.

So this happen a few day after I turn to floranova grow. I think this is why Scottyballz was only using flora nova bloom, because there is a lot more nitrogene in that mix.

But I don`t want to put the problem on the nuts right away. I am a noobie and yesterday I noticed my plants were lowering the level of ppm so they are hungry and I wasnt feeding them enough. Today I bumped it up to 600ppm so that might have done the trick. I`ll let it hang for a day or two like this I guess and I it doesnt get better I`ll switch back to flora nova bloom.

otherwise the ph is hanging at 5.7 and ppm 600.

they are just growing so fast, I need to get my scrog over them soon.

Another question : Should I now remove the thin foild over my waterfarm or is it still good for my girls. Cause These hydraton on tops get dry real quick with the 600w over them.



Well-Known Member
leave the foil there. u really dont want algae growing on hydroton and then ending up in your res. this can cause root rot. and you will find once u get the screen down u wont be able to open her up and check the roots if u need to.

at this stage if u want to u can run some h2o2 in your nutes it helps keep the whole system clean and healthy plus as an added side effect it adds more oxygen to the res and imo it actually promotes bigger frostier buds.


Well-Known Member
Id leave the tin foil on there. Its keeping the light from making algae. Your ladies aren't searching for their water on top anyway, they're on their way down. Id ride with the higher ppm's for a bit to see if that fixes your leaves. If not, it may be something else, or just low N in your nova grow. Could just be the older leaves dying also. Hard to tell from here. Depending on your strain, id also start incrementally working your ppm up more too. When i ran my TGA Jillybean in my farms, and they are a lower nute demanding strain, but they liked sitting at 1300ppm. My AK47 thrived at 1500ppm. I feel like you could be super safe at 1000ppm, no mater what strain you had, but still get good growth. Just my 2 cents.
Also how tall are they from the foil? like most say, you want to have between 8-12 inches between base and screen.


Well-Known Member
haha, didnt mean to repeat what forgetiwashere said. Im just a slow and easily distracted typer.


Well-Known Member
i gotta say that does look alot like nute burn. feel the leaves are they crispy or papery if so its def nute burn. check your res again see if its dropping or rising now? u may not tneed to run as high a ppm with the nova grow because it has everything u need for veg. u may have been running higher ppm's with the bloom because it does not have as much nitrogen which is what the plant wants during veg so it was eating up higher ppms to make up for it.

and honestly would say 600ppm is fairly high especially at the stage u are at now. the plant in the pic i posted above is only running 700ppm now and its in flower. no deficiency's