Smoke Buddy


Well-Known Member
Smoke buddy,does anyone use it?i have had 1 for a while and love it,i always take it when i go to hotels and im not to sure where i should have posted this but im a cali med pat so i just put it here.


bud bootlegger
i have one an use it all the time when i drive and puff... i've been pulled over 3x's while smoking a bowl and have never had a cop even give me a second look ....
i would never puff in the car without mine anymore, lol, just a good $20 spent is all i'll say.. :)


Active Member
not too experienced here, but how about those portable vaporizers that look like a walkies talkies?
I know when ive seen them for the most part i didnt know what the fuck they were, so i doubt a cop would be able to spot it and connect the dots right away.

also when ive seen them in use, there was only a light smell, and really not any risidual vapor that would raise any red flags.

although im sure they cost $100+ as apposed to $20


Well-Known Member
^omicron i almost threw my keychain away i didnt know it was in the package i ended up seeing it when i threw the box away,zero smoke comes out only thing is you have to give it a extra lil breath to clear all the smoke by the mouth


Active Member
Smoke buddy,does anyone use it?i have had 1 for a while and love it,i always take it when i go to hotels and im not to sure where i should have posted this but im a cali med pat so i just put it here.
Boy am I feeling old (I am not, am not I say) because I don't know what the &uck a "Smoke Buddy" is. What is it?
I thought I was gonna' find a sign-up for "buddies" like a pen pal is to someone in prison. Hey that's not a bad idea. Get a "smoke Buddy" with someone far away. Can compare notes, get some different things from a forum site... What a concept. It'd be a last resort if (God forbid) one were out of weed, your smoke buddy just might be able to help. Not that we'll soon see a shortage in the supplies coming out of this state, but I also do not ever want to experience the Great Dope Famine of 1977. On top of "no weed" anywhere, there was 21" of snow dumped on us overnight. We were cleaning stems, smoking terrible roaches and not really gettin' any buzz. Even if someone had weed, one couldn't get anywhere without sled dogs...


Well-Known Member
lol^.you blow your hit into has carbon in it,filters your smoke and only clean air comes out.