Smoke report: GreenoMatic / Greenhouse Seeds Autoflower Fem


Active Member
Smoke Report Greenomatic:

Greenomatic/Greenhouse Seeds

2 plants FFOF soil 3ga pots. 600W HPS. FN nutes.
Plants grew robustly. Stayed very small until the stretch and then grew explosively. Final height would be 12-18" but these were LST'ed.
Harvested at 60, 67 & 75 days. First harvest date was a bit early. Total yield from 2 plants estimated by eyeball, about 4oz.

The high is a classical Indica body euphoria. Quite energetic. You feel like doing stuff. It is quite potent but lifts you up gently without an initial kick. Lasts several hours.

The taste is slightly sweet and fruity. Smoke is mild and can even be smoked before curing without any coughing.

There is some tolerance build up but it's not rapid or extreme.


Active Member
Thanks for the likes and the +rep guys.

I really like this stuff. I'm going to start some more soon.