smoked 2 blunts last night


Active Member
i smoked 2 blunts last night of some low grade bud cuz thats all we have aroud my area right now i havent smoke in forever it was pretty fun but i want to know how long it will stay in my piss if i dont smoke no more some people are telling me like 3 to 10 days


Active Member
i smoked 2 blunts last night of some low grade bud cuz thats all we have aroud my area right now i havent smoke in forever it was pretty fun but i want to know how long it will stay in my piss if i dont smoke no more some people are telling me like 3 to 10 days
i'm pretty sure it does not matter the grade of weed thc stays in your system for around 30 days unless you take goldseal or some other shit to get it out


Well-Known Member
i smoked 2 blunts last night of some low grade bud cuz thats all we have aroud my area right now i havent smoke in forever it was pretty fun but i want to know how long it will stay in my piss if i dont smoke no more some people are telling me like 3 to 10 days
2 blunts? at least 2 weeks with you drinking a lot of water.


Well-Known Member
I read on norml that it is more likely to only stay in your system for 10 days for heavy smokers. The rest of the time is just to play it safe.

josh b

Well-Known Member
go on a fucking detox lol chuck urself in a sauner and just keep flushing ur system with water and im not sure if u drink coke, mayb the acids would burn up a small ammount of ur thc?

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
go on a fucking detox lol chuck urself in a sauner and just keep flushing ur system with water and im not sure if u drink coke, mayb the acids would burn up a small ammount of ur thc?
Im sorry but thats some of the stupidest advice ive ever heard..
The acids might burn thc away? hell no

Thc is stored in your fat cells..the only way to get it out of your system is to piss alot..aka drinking lots of water and cranberry juice which is a diuretic ( makes you pee alot)

Iron Lion Zion

Well-Known Member
There are a lot of factors...
How much you weigh. How fast your metabolism is. How often you smoke. How much fluid you take in.

Ideally, the person that would be able to get it out of their system the fastest is someone who: Is skinny, has a fast metabolism, doesn't smoke often, and stays well hydrated.

My buddy who was a heavy smoker found out 8 days before he was to be drug tested. He is in pretty good shape. He worked out every day - ran a couple of miles/swam laps on top of working out. He would also sit in the sauna for a little while each day. He passed the test.