Smoked with my childhood best friend's grandpa..


New Member
When i was 6 i had a buddy named Max, who later became my best friend until he moved out of state when we were 15 (we are now 21). Ever since then his family and my family get togeteher once a year in the summer. Well this year my buddy had an emergency and couldnt come. This happened Monday, and the trip started yesterday so we couldnt rescechdule it. I was bummed that he wasnt going to get to help smoke the 2 ounces i had just got, but undetermined I made it my mission to get our parents and his grandparents(all who havent smoked in 25+ years) to smoke.

Well, long story short, after a lot of talking them into it, the mission was accomplised! It was the funniest thing i have ever seen. They were acting like they were children again. they all laughed at each other, about NOTHING, for literally 15 minutes straight. My friends grandpa was out of control, everytime he would take a hit he would start waging his finger increasing his movemnts slowly until he had all his body moving and would DANCE away from us. All in all, it was a good start to the trip! Now, I just waked and baked, hoping I have more funny adventures today. Sorry for the lack of meaning to my post. I'm just baked and wanted to share the details of my night. If anyone has some "family member smoking stories" plese feel free to share, id love to hear!

Get high and watch time fly this fine sunday, my fellow smokers!


Well-Known Member
Neat story, I'm sure the grandpa enjoyed feeling some "youth" again!

Of course you'll have good adventures today, you'll find them if you want them.


New Member
Lol yeah, he did. he has fibromyalgia and said it worked indredible on the pain. I was saying have good adventures today, on our 2nd day of the trip. Have a great day, man!