Smoke'n'Grow sponsored Amnesia Lemon grow!


New Member
Dude. How wierd is this... I go out to "the shed" this morning to tuck the girls in before lights-out and found my garden in disarray and 4 of the girls FUCKING GONE!! Yea a stinking no good thief. They took my best WW ever, which was ready to pick, left another one that was ready as well alone, but pulled 2 young clones and a reveg SuperSkunk which were nowhere near ready. How much sense does that make?
So, sadly, due to obvious reasons, I have spent the day getting everything else out of here and preparing to switch over to actual tomatoes in case anyone official were to come by.... Yep, duck a damned thief. And yes karmas a bitch, but if I can confirm the perp, I'd surely give ole karma a hand with this blow-by sob. Oh well, always wanted to try my hand @ guerillagrowing... Sorry about your loss, Lumi. I really feel your pain.

you know Bro it is sad....I know I for one share always and if asked give freely and I perceive generosity in you as well`....



Well-Known Member
Dude. How wierd is this... I go out to "the shed" this morning to tuck the girls in before lights-out and found my garden in disarray and 4 of the girls FUCKING GONE!! Yea a stinking no good thief. They took my best WW ever, which was ready to pick, left another one that was ready as well alone, but pulled 2 young clones and a reveg SuperSkunk which were nowhere near ready. How much sense does that make?
So, sadly, due to obvious reasons, I have spent the day getting everything else out of here and preparing to switch over to actual tomatoes in case anyone official were to come by.... Yep, duck a damned thief. And yes karmas a bitch, but if I can confirm the perp, I'd surely give ole karma a hand with this blow-by sob. Oh well, always wanted to try my hand @ guerillagrowing... Sorry about your loss, Lumi. I really feel your pain.
Punk ass, MO-FOs!!! Sorry to hear that bro..... smart move on changing to Veggies out there for the time being.




Well-Known Member
you should at least wire some good old 120 volt current into the veggies, just to keep them alive so they can fight off there attackers shall they return. You have the right to defend yourself, veggie, or not :lol:
And make sure to leave a pool of water around your plants so it gets them good, I would go for the 210v myself :)

you should at least wire some good old 120 volt current into the veggies, just to keep them alive so they can fight off there attackers shall they return. You have the right to defend yourself, veggie, or not :lol:


Well-Known Member
And make sure to leave a pool of water around your plants so it gets them good, I would go for the 210v myself :)
not a good idea, have a friend that had a harley stolen out of his garage, put a 12 foot fence with razor wire around it and new bike stolen again, put dobermans inside the fence and dogs killed new bike stolen again, wired fence with 220 killed thief got 10 years in prison for manslaughter,,,,true story
I was just joking, but that sucks!

not a good idea, have a friend that had a harley stolen out of his garage, put a 12 foot fence with razor wire around it and new bike stolen again, put dobermans inside the fence and dogs killed new bike stolen again, wired fence with 220 killed thief got 10 years in prison for manslaughter,,,,true story


Well-Known Member
not a good idea, have a friend that had a harley stolen out of his garage, put a 12 foot fence with razor wire around it and new bike stolen again, put dobermans inside the fence and dogs killed new bike stolen again, wired fence with 220 killed thief got 10 years in prison for manslaughter,,,,true story
I was just joking, but that sucks!
As was I. I would be tempted to put up an electric fence similar to one used for horses. They hurt, but dont kill.


Well-Known Member
Thanks folks for the condolences and understanding. If I had only installed a trail camera or something..... No, I won't use fatal booby-traps whenever I start back up-just extemely irritating, painful ones.
Yeah Lumi, you know me: there's always enough to share, and that's what I enjoy... sharing my efforts at growing this Holy Plant and seeing people's smiles when they try it. Worth more than money, to me.
This will slow me down-for sure- but it certainly won't stop me. Too late to ever stop now that the herb has laid its geas upon me. It feels like a holy duty to grow and share... lol, really.


Well-Known Member
Somebody needs to catch 'em, show 'em how to grow, then make them tend our gardens :) they can keep all sugar leaves and trim as payment and character building. Plus they will be productive members of OUR society :D


Well-Known Member
Somebody needs to catch 'em, show 'em how to grow, then make them tend our gardens :) they can keep all sugar leaves and trim as payment and character building. Plus they will be productive members of OUR society :D
Mmmmmmmm.... temp-to-hire ganja slaves....?


Well-Known Member
as long as they are fine naked women I'll even give 'em a bud...:twisted: But the theives? No....a bullet for them......

lol I agree, but a bullet might be a lil to fast, maybe something slower and more painful lol like fire!