Smokin marijuana whit family

Smoke Friend

Active Member
My little brother wants to smoke herb, i feel hes mature enough but for me its a moral question so what do you guys think, is this something i would let him get into? I assume he is going to to try it other places so is it the better thing to do? :wall:


Well-Known Member
he might seem mature enough until he leaves it in his pocket and ya mom finds it in the laundry. Kinda risky.


Well-Known Member
better you introduce it to him then some other people you dont know, that is assuming you go through with it


Active Member
If he's mature enough, smoke with him. If he wants to try it, he will either way, best be with you.
Id say go through with it. At least he'll be smoking with someone decent, and get a good introduction to it. Can tell him the facts, all shit, better than him smoking with scum.

Smoke Friend

Active Member
Hes seventeen. And what is up whit the hostility, i asked for advise. Why make a replay that docent help at all, this is a important subject for me.

lol yeah, why was that left out from OP? If he's like...idk 16 or older this is a dumb thread, if he's like 1-13 this is a dumb thread, if he's 14-15 all opinions are valid.


Well-Known Member
if he's seventeen, i don't see why not..personally, i might wait a little bit and make sure he's got his shit down (e.g. school, work ethic, study habits). if he already has problems with those and finds the great world of weed, he's def gonna be mia from school for a while lol

my sis is in college and i would smoke with her..i'd also smoke with my mom


Active Member
I would think hard if I was you. I smoked my little brother up for his first time. Now he is anti pot and I believe he holds it against me for introducing him to it and this is almost 15 years later.


Well-Known Member
I smoke with every member of my family that smokes haha. Im twenty and ive been smoking for 5 years, But it wasnt until about 18 that I actually let me family know that i was smoking. Now fast foward a few years and i now smoke with 5 of my cousins, my mom, my dad, my uncle(med patient in cali,best to smoke with haha.) And more im sure im forgetting. So in all honesty if you say HE wants to smoke pot, he's gonna do it. So IMO i say you might as well be the one he does it with. Atleast you know that the weed you smoke with him isnt fucked with in anyway, and you can make sure he doesnt get too high and not like the experience.

If he doesnt like it then leave it at that, but if he does maybe teach him everything you know so he doesnt get his head filled with all the Propaganda that can come up when talking about weed from an uneducated person.


Active Member
Yeah man, totally, if heis interested it means that sooner or later he will smoke, with or with out you..........
Now, as far as I'm concerned, you can deal with some dodgey people in the drug world. If I were you my main concern would be this.

You know him better than us I would imagine, you should be able to make some good judgement calls on whether or not he would cope well with weed. So taking all that into consideration. I would advise that you personally see to it that he has a good first time experience :D

Also, he's 17! I was smoking when I was 14-15 years old! Hahaha, he should be "mature" enough. But then again, how do you measure something like maturity o_O
Just make sure he doesn't leave shit lying around hehehe!

Good luck!


Active Member
double-edged sword depending how you look at it. personally, i think it's better if you are the one that introduces it to him rather than he go get himself in trouble. not a bad idea to make him agree to get his stuff from you or with you, so u know he's not going and getting himself in some shit procuring the weed.

i'm sure someone will make the argument that if he doesn't stop with pot and goes on to other shit, how will you feel if you think you're the one that got him started? i personally don't agree with the gateway theory anyway, but just throwing that out there for the sake of argument.

def a personal choice... i don't have any siblings. but if i had a younger brother and he wanted to smoke, i'm sure i'd try to make sure he goes down the right path.

forgive me if that all sounds retarded.
my family has come out of the closet as far as smokers when I received my MMJ card. They want the "Medical Shit", lol. But its amazing who does it and what you thought of the person before you found out.
I wish my brother smoked, it would be the best time ever.