Smoking a Sativa and Indica together?


Active Member
So, is it ok to smoke a strong sativa and then a indica within a couple of hours or even an hour or the other way round.

I dont think any sativa will make a difference after taking something like purple kush indica, but is it ok and how much difference does it take?

Thanks guys


Well-Known Member
i really dont think it makes a difference..i mean a negative difference doesnt sativa give you an awake high while indica is more of a sleepy kind of high?


Active Member
yeh the avatar is hot, what was i talking about again.

Yeah, i thought maybe a sativa wouldnt be able to give u the energy it does after a indica like a purple kush.


Well-Known Member
it should be fine dawg, as long as the sativa bud you have is dank, which i am sure it is i hope, blaze a bowl of the purp kush then hit one up of the sativa and tell us how you feel :)

iBlaze DrO

Well-Known Member
haha hope you have experience or else you will be high as
imma smoke some now im yearnin for a burnin lmao


Well-Known Member
i've smoked salvia and then weed...but i could never imagine smoking them together. i trip so hard with salvia, i think the weed would just make it soooo weird.

Lord Bluntmasta

Well-Known Member
i smoke sativas with indicas sometimes, I don't see a problem. I find I'm couchlocked for like 40 minutes then I suddenly start going a million miles an hour