Smoking Buddies


So I just moved to a new city. Me and my BF are looking for people to toke with not everyone in the whole town but maybe 1 or two regulars.We're 18 and 20, there's one person we're trying meet 18 also, but can't bring ourselves to go through. The problem is trusting people. I don't want to meet up with anyone and then get busted, of course what are some things to look for or ask to help trust someone with this sort of thing?


Staff member
are you looking on craigslist or some shit? why not go out onthe town, go out to the bar, or go to local places meet people casually, and grab phone numbers ect and become friends frist


Well-Known Member
So I just moved to a new city. Me and my BF are looking for people to toke with not everyone in the whole town but maybe 1 or two regulars.We're 18 and 20, there's one person we're trying meet 18 also, but can't bring ourselves to go through. The problem is trusting people. I don't want to meet up with anyone and then get busted, of course what are some things to look for or ask to help trust someone with this sort of thing?
I would give you my info and hang out with you, but I cant stop smelling bacon.


Well-Known Member
So I just moved to a new city. Me and my BF are looking for people to toke with not everyone in the whole town but maybe 1 or two regulars.We're 18 and 20, there's one person we're trying meet 18 also, but can't bring ourselves to go through. The problem is trusting people. I don't want to meet up with anyone and then get busted, of course what are some things to look for or ask to help trust someone with this sort of thing?
We should totally meet up, I'm in the exact same situation... I'm sure if I gave you my address you'd be quite close!

Lol, but honestly I don't believe police actually think people would fall for anything online and if they did they wouldn't be worth busting. So I suggest what was suggested earlier on already.... Socialise, simple. Go out to parties, clubs, speak to work associates or even friends of friends. Weed really isn't that hard to get a hold of nor is a mate to smoke it with ;)
Dude are you serious? It is SO easy to find a smoking buddy. EVERYONE smokes weed lol. Here's an easy way to find someone to smoke with. Go on the hook-ups section on Craigslist and look up a man or woman (your choice) and in the search bar type in "420 friendly" and shit like that. Just message those people from craigslist about the weed and explain your situation. Boom. I'm stoned. You can be too!


Are you asking how to meet people to make new friends or how to find a new bud hookup? Just curious.
Just new friends, hopefully soon I'll "stumble" upon a pretty good bud hookup. >:D :)

But thanks all for the advice, I guess a piggy wouldn't go that far out of his way, but then again..?

aaah paranoia


Well-Known Member
Quit a few threads like this already ;)

But I would do is look for existing threads or subforums or search for users in the same area as you.

Also, I find people by simply smoking outside and someone will make conversation with me. Or on Monday I asked one guy for a lighter and he siad 'Is that a zoot?' and the next minute he is going to offer me number. Then 20 minutes later I went to my lecture and sat next to a guy I never met before and we had a giggle, I said 'Sorry,I'm kinda high right now.' and he said 'So am I' without skipping a beat. He then took me to the local 'stoner area' I knew nothing about (I just smoke outside the door of wherever) and then all of a sudden dealer shows up offering half my usual prices and his friend with yet more connections.

I know at first you'll be thinking how on earth are you going to find people to smoke with; I felt the exact same way my first week at Uni until I went looking for place to smoke and stumbled upon a circle and just knew I'd found the potheads. Look for circles of people smoking, or watch cigarette smokers who appear to be toking it like a joint. I've noticed it's a habit of stoners who also smoke tobacco to treat a cig like a joint at times. Watch someone's reaction asking to borrow a king sized rolling paper.

I meet new stoners every week. Sometimes I spot someone with a pot leaf earring or lighter, or they watch me buying king sized rolling papers, or follow my intuition guessing the right sort of people to spark up sitting next to at the bus stop. Every single time the person has turned around and said 'Nice.... what you smoking?'

So yeah, at first I thought it'd be me me out smoking in the cold by mysef between classes but all the stoners seemed to appear at once. Just keep a look out and don't get in trouble lol.

But yeah, I'd trust most of the people here (most). After all I keep saying, this site is how I met my awesome stoner boyfriend. Had I not ignored the paranoia/self-preservation over the internet instinct, I woud never have given him my number or jumped on a bus to the other side of the country and met a really cool person.

There is another recent thread on meeting other members of this site in general called 'RIU' friends. The other 'stoner buddies' or 'can you tell?' sort of threads give tips on spotting '420-friendly' people.


Well, had a tight situation, had to ask potential buddy to help, and he came through soooo, probably a trust worthy person, comin' over tonight so we'll see how it goes! :D :)