Smoking injuries


Well-Known Member
Hahaha this is an awesome thread... Let's see, I've blown ashes into my eyes a billion times, burned my thumb with a lighter, have burned my eyelashes before with the lighter. One of my stupidest injuries was falling on my porch after a huge rip on my bong. And also recently, both my girlfriend and I burned ourselves cooking pizza when completely stoned.
lol that last one reminds me of something i did once. me and some friends were smoking and drinking a little and we decided to go down and drink by the pool. well when i came back upstairs to grab a couple more drinks i heard the fire alarm going off and ran into the house to remembering i got stoned, got the munchies, put a pizza in the over, and forgot about it!


Active Member
Hahahah yeah, putting it in isn't really the issue it's getting it out without burning yourself or your house apparently :)


Well-Known Member
A few years ago I was smoking a cig sitting on the couch and my bf at the time threw a football and it hit the end of the cigarette and knocked the whole burning part down my shirt...


Well-Known Member
Earlier than that I had a friend let a butt go out the window, but instead it came back and landed in my lap...that sucked too.


Well-Known Member
i remember back when we were all kids with long hair and tye dyes.. we were all jammin, and our bass player's girlfriend came up and held the bowl to his mouth and lit it for him, hair lights really quick lol


Well-Known Member
i remember back when we were all kids with long hair and tye dyes.. we were all jammin, and our bass player's girlfriend came up and held the bowl to his mouth and lit it for him, hair lights really quick lol
lol oh ya it does. POOF!