Snapped tap root?


Active Member
So I did an experiment, well an accidental experiment. I germinated this bag seed I found in some straight pressure, anyways the tap root stuck to the napkin fibers and snapped the very tip, I thought about trying to se if it would root up, continue to grow the current tap root or just die. Well I was pleasantly surprised to see that the tap root rooted up little seedling wasn’t ready to go!.

im guessing this will change your mind about throwing out that one seed that broke its taproot.
What I did to try and save it was letting the snapped root grow like get thicker, as it’s a root it’ll still get water from the root even if snapped. I kept it in the napkin after it snapped for another day or two then planted it into soil once I saw that the tap root was thick and the seed shell was coming off mind you it took almost a week for the seedling to germinate with the recovery of the tap root included,

now I have this!!

