Snapped tops will survive?


Active Member
My heavy 600w light fell on my plants and snapped the tops about 5 inches from the top, not completly off but still snapped ive used bamboo to try and starighten them out, should i snap it off or will it be ok?


Well-Known Member
Try it, splint it with toothpicks and tape, and support the branch so there is no weight on it and maybe you will get lucky.
That happened to me, but mine was broken too far, and it didn't make it.
A lot of guys say it works, and when it does heal, there will be a little strong knot there where the break used to be.


Well-Known Member
No, put a couple toothpicks around the break for support, then tape it up tight enough to keep it closed up..
Think of it like stitches keeping a wound closed. :)

cant get enough

Active Member
a splint and band aid and it should be fine.. i repared mine this way and it didnt even affect the growth of the broken branch lol and it was snapped off, im hopfully smoking this plant in few weeks :leaf:.. good luck