Snipping the Head


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone.

Recently i figured out that 1 of my outdoor plants ( the biggest one ) is male. I decided that since i was already planning on moving 1 plant indoor, i would just leave the male to grow and bring my 2 female plants inside.

Now that i have brought them in, they are in my grow box but i realized that 1 of the 2 plants is too tall, since i want to use SCROG to grow my plants i need to shorten one of them.

As a result i would like to know how i can cut the top off of my plant so that it will still grow, but only under the screen.

How do i do this?



Well-Known Member
Don't have any SCROG experience but search for the FIM technique, it should help.

Also -- Any particular reason you're growing out the male? It would suck to get caught growing a plant that will never produce any bud.


Well-Known Member
HE is outside and unless i am standing beside him no one can get me in trouble

also the reason i am leaving him is i am hoping someone will respond on my " Uses for males" thread to explain what i can do with him