So any one else growing in a GH this year?


Well-Known Member
Any one else give it a try or am I solo in that area? I know a couple of ya were thinking about it and so I was just wondering. Do to objective issues this year my pics aint gonna come up for another couple weeks. I will tell you it is high times worthy though and you will like the rep of MI. Soon I will get back on more often soon but I feel like hiding for a bit to ensure success, is the best route to take. Good luck guys and girls.

PS cant find my blueberry thread...was any one able to help me out? doesnt matter but just thought I would try.


Active Member
Pot choppers can see though a green house, so I dont do it, Do you post your paper work on the Roof? spead your plants out so from above it spells "LEGAL" i know someone that got busted with a green house last year, it was visable from the sky, so they said it was illegal


Well-Known Member
If my home state gets on the band wagon then I'll be deep in a gh grow but until then i gotta stay in the closet...i'll come out when wi pulls its head out of its ass:weed:
Anyway I know someone round here has got the bomb blueberry cuz I've been puffing on it recently. I'll testify that it not only smells but taste like blueberry.


Well-Known Member
Abe if you have the blue blue you may name your prize. quarter pound dope, a new lights, or a ticket to vegas. The QP will be ready in 8 to 9 weeks so lets give it a try. You got a sample bud of the finished product? Is it strait blueberry?

On another note I will get pics up in a week instead of another month. I do not have the paper work on top of I do however have a keep out sign attached by the door.

I think next year I will sub seed making out from somebody maybe subcool or DJ or Shanti or Sannie. I am ready to play another game.


Well-Known Member
I will also mention that I will have atleast 8-10 pounds grown for 300 dollars at the most so I am sorry to hear that one guy got busted tho it was probly more of a lack of common sense then anything that resulted in his tragic luck...

I had cops count em last year in my f-ing greenhouse therefore scare tactics of a bunch of what ifs do not sway my opinions one bit......As a matter of fact they the cops are no where to be found around this property this year even though that event took place last year.

Nope I am legal and if you think I am not you loose. Cause you can do what I do for 300 dollars.


Active Member
I am!!! Well it's more like a cage since its made from chainlink fence lol. ladies are doing great all 6 of them, shoulda made the gh a little bigger their pretty packed in there.

Hic- if I may ask what size is your gh an how many ladies you got in there?

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
honestly I don't know if you'd consider the BB "true blue", but I'd def trade for a secret because I'm sure you have some good ones Hic.


Active Member
Abe if you have the blue blue you may name your prize. quarter pound dope, a new lights, or a ticket to vegas. The QP will be ready in 8 to 9 weeks so lets give it a try. You got a sample bud of the finished product? Is it strait blueberry?

On another note I will get pics up in a week instead of another month. I do not have the paper work on top of I do however have a keep out sign attached by the door.

I think next year I will sub seed making out from somebody maybe subcool or DJ or Shanti or Sannie. I am ready to play another game.
Hey Hic, there is a guy from northern michigan over on the has been breeding for awhile now and I have started hearing about his gear on the streets and its supposed to be top notch. Ice river genetics is what he calls his gear and Guerilla45 is his screenname over there. Might be worth checking out.


Well-Known Member
Murfy bro nice to see ya! Hey it only counts if a piece or 2 get into my I am bound and determined to go to the spirit world one more time before I give it up. Have not had it in atleast 12 years. I know no one that went to college and I do not go to big parties so........... that equals no spirit world in a long time for the guy aka hic

mrcrown! My greenhouse is 16 x 24. My greenhouse is 16 foot tall at one end and perhaps 14 or so at the other for pitch..... Highth aint no joke try growing subs vortex in a heighth of 12 foot!!!! barely pulled her off my self and there were 2 last year! but then again there are 2 herijuanna x vortex ladies in the greehouse this year...1 of which is a more apollo and another is grapey vortex. "pics soon". I am glad to hear you had the balls and were able to muster up your in between the lines "authority" and did a GH. I wish to see pics mrcoke,i like them.

Kindone - good info! maybe this guy can pay me to make his seeds. I will check him out when I get back into this internet thing.


Well-Known Member
Abe there are a few things I do not fuck around with #1 Family #2 my beagle #3 rabbit hunting #4 sex #5 video gaming and #6 my pot #7 unjust treatmeant of others. Now my dope is # 6 so I am not fucking with you in the least. Blueberry is the last ingrediant and it is all about the blue this winter for me. I want the bluest and I will pay. I will bet my beagle on it.


Well-Known Member
The picture of me on the ladder is only a half way viewpoint. What I mean is the is only half of em in that pic there is still the middle and the area to the righ. I could not get it all in 1 frame so that is that.


Well-Known Member
This would explain every time when I'm driving through the woods and smell skunk but don't see any roadkill in sight!! Atleast that's what I picture is going on every time that happens. a guy like me can only hope so