Well-Known Member
I say leave the dross in tact. There may of course be legal implications regarding leaving certain material but by-and-large that stuff seems to go un-challenged.I've noticed that quite often, some of the most revealing debate occurred mixed in with the petty name calling. More than once I was frustrated when I'd finish a reply, hit Post, and get a page that told me "invalid thread selected". Not being or having been a mod, i have no idea how much extra work it would be to skim off the dross but leave the more substantive posts ... cn
RIU is really cool because you begin to recognize people through their posts. In that sense its a community website. Peoples styles of arguing are exposed, their political views, inconsistencies, generosity of sharing info, etc.
Anyways, I think most do a good job to help keep the site flowing and alive. Thanks Mods

There are some proper characters on this site. funny as hell.