So I did it myself...

SO i have been growing a plant for almost 2 months now. I have been using my dad's "growers guide" to help me out along the way with some questions I had and I have also used this site as a guide. I am getting to the point where I am pretty much unsure what is going on with the plant (I am a full time smoker...not a grower ).

I have been trying my best to give the plant the care it needs and everything, but am unsure to whether or not I am wasting my time on a plant that does not have much of a chance.

The plant already has a really potent aroma to it. Smells quite good.
I am not sure if it is just the leaves or if there is some bud growing on it.:confused:

Umm...I am gonna post some pics...maybe someone could give me some helpful information?!?!? Tips

Is this all leave that is growing...or is there bud somewhere in there??

Bigtime Leaf Issues :-?

I am sure that the leaf issues are because I transplanted the plant to late and disturbed/ ripped some of the roots.

Did I screw this whole plant up..or does it still have a chance?? Please help!!!
P.S. I have been growing this plant indoor for most of the time, but took advantage of hot sunny days and would put it outside.


Well-Known Member
what kind of lighting are you using? are you aware that the plant requires different light cycles for its vegetative and flowering stages? 24 hours on or 18-6. Then, once you want your plant to start producing buds, you've got to switch the lighting to 12 on, 12 off. Dont mess with the hours in the flowering stage, the plant needs 12 hours of totall uninerrupted darkness. if you screw around with that, you might see a hermie. go check out the grow faq and newbie forums, youll be able to find all the info you need. usually after a week of 12/12 lighting you will be able to see the plants sex, either males with balls or females with two white pistils. then let the budding begin. usually flowering lasts anywhere from 9-12 weeks, grow until the thc crystals are cloudy.


Well-Known Member
looks good so far. dont worry about the bottom leaves the die off naturally and as for bud u have to flower it witch is the 12/12 cycle


Well-Known Member
and it still has a hell of a good chance. it looks kinda small for 2 months tho. well do u kno about lights and light cycles
and it still has a hell of a good chance. it looks kinda small for 2 months tho. well do u kno about lights and light cycles
Thanks for the quick responses.
As for the lighting..I am using a normal fluorescent yellow bulb. I have been trying my darnest to stick to the lighting system..but I have interrupted the plant a few times i suppose.:roll:

Should I be using different bulbs for lighting..or am I fine.

I am guessing that if I stick to the lighting schedule faithfully..then flowering will take place.?!?

Thanks again for the responses and the patience.:peace:
no yellow is good for flowering u need some 3500k cfls or tubes for vegg. wut light cycle r u on

I usually have the light on for the whole day and then turn the light up while I am sleeping. I do not have an exact lighting cycle. Could be the reason to why my plant is so immature.
I am going to take Janecommamary's advice and switch the lighting to 12 hours on 12 hours off.

Hopefully that will help.

SO the lighting I am using is fine you say, whiterhyno420?


Well-Known Member
I usually have the light on for the whole day and then turn the light up while I am sleeping. I do not have an exact lighting cycle. Could be the reason to why my plant is so immature.
I am going to take Janecommamary's advice and switch the lighting to 12 hours on 12 hours off.

Hopefully that will help.

SO the lighting I am using is fine you say, whiterhyno420?
yes for flowering so just swich over to 12/12