so i just found scales

chongo bongo

Active Member
I was starting to think about weighing the bud I get off my first grow and how I didn't wanna use my small digi scales cause that would suck. And I just found some monster scales at work that go to 25lbs and down to a tenth of a gram. Can you say jack mode? Ha:lol:

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
by jack do you mean steal . .. . . . . . ..

wtf is wrong with people actually earn something and sacrifice for it

fucking assclown

he's another 1% the 1% who get fired for stealing from there work like a R tard

chongo bongo

Active Member
No one even knows about them anymore, they've been collecting dust for years now in a pile of Shit. Of course I'm taking it. I make enough money at this place to buy big scales, but Shit, if there's some laying around that no one even knows exist, you beat your ass I'm taking them.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
your whats wrong, with the US, people like you

it aint yours, it is the your employers and you think that becasue it aint being used you cant steal it, your a piece of shit.

end of story, enough siad , point well taken


Well-Known Member
Dude, if it's in a pile, then why not just ask about buying it off the company? If it's junk they might just let you take it.