So I Planted 40 Poppies and One Hundred Million Morning Glories


Well-Known Member
MWAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA, anyways, how often should I water these poppies? I actually want to take good care of them to harvest my precious! They aren't even done germinating yet, but I hope all of them actually sprout!


Well-Known Member
I planted them in some loose soil patch out kinda by my guerilla grow, not close enough to draw attention of course, but they are hidden.. Basically in nice wet soil near a creek, will the wet soil help or fuck my poppies?


Active Member
ah, so you just planted them into the ground? very tough to say without knowing about the soil they are in. you should be able to tell for yourself in a week or 2. goodluck, give us some pics when you start to see some sprout.


Well-Known Member
Basically, haha, but the soil is nice. I figured its like an automatic irrigation, the creek is right next to it. I'll hit this thread back up when it sprouts and take pics. California poppies do have opium right? I know they all do, but I heard of a specific type of poppy and couldn't find any so I just planted california's


Active Member
California poppies do contain very little or none opium.
California poppies do not really even create a pod, basically just a small oblong pod.

You need to look for papaver sominferous. Check out Izmir Seed and Oil, or exjordanary on ebay.

When germination and as a seedling poppies like moisture, but as they get older they perfer it dryer.