So I want to buy soil


Active Member
and I was wondering if I should add some perlite or something to it. Ive been using regular soil but I want to try something else. How much should I add anyways?


Well-Known Member
It kind of depends on the soil your using. Something like 2-3 parts soil, 1 part perlite, 1 part vermiculite would work


Well-Known Member
You cant go wrong with perlite. If you add "to much" perlite you will just have to feed/water more often because your soil will drain faster. Perlite has a ph of 7 and simply creates spaces in the soil so the roots can breathe. If you think your soil stays wet to long and you are having root rot then deffently add perlite. Even if you are not experiencing these problems adding perlite to your soil mix may help prevent future problems.

Hope I could help. Best of luck to ya mate<3

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
I add a "bunch" of perlite. that is laymans terms. like 30 percent of soil should be perlite. add vermiculite to make soil light and airy but moist too. nice;)

home depot has kellog organic soil and compost for 7 dollars for 3 cubic feet.

steer manure is everywhere rightnow for 70 cents. . Also I stay away from peat. Also coca coir is a good additive so is vermiculite.

dont forget your azomite or greensand or dolomite.