So I'm going out of town...


Active Member
I'm going out of town for around 3 days. I watered her the other day so I was thinking about giving her a lite watering before I hit the road. The issue I'm stressing over is height. I have maybe about 14 or so inches left under my 400w hps. It's an auto flowering La diva that's about to be 6 weeks old. I swear it's still gaining 2 inches a day. It's in full blown flower. Also the light is raised to its max.
1. Should I stop growing height soon?
2. If it doesn't what can I do to make sure she doesn't grow up too close to my light while I'm gone?


Well-Known Member
Tie her down for the time being, put a string around the main cola and anyother tall shoots and pull em down a bit itll give u some extra height, i currently have the same issue with my autos, theyre practically at the light so i just lst'd and now everything is copacetic.


Well-Known Member
Your plants are going to double, possibly triple in size when you move to flower. If they're pushing the boundaries already then tying them down is an option, or you could build a screen to control height? Maybe next time think about topping and scroging. Less height, more control and more weed!


Well-Known Member
you say its 6 weeks old but how long has it been showing flowers? She will stretch for first 3 weeks of bloom then you will get bud stretch for another 2-3 weeks.


Well-Known Member
3days means your skipping 1-2 waterings little iffy on the "lite" part I would water enough so it have just enough to make it home to water again.

14inches(id say min is 10-8 if your pushing it) is almost close to minimum when it comes to 400watt hps. I would leave a gap in between pots right under the light just so you don't fry a plant out...
Also if your using digital just put it to 50% while your gone.