So, is it the Orgainics?????


Active Member
Ok,I've been totally off the Grid( Not having to ever buy smoke again)for 4 months now!! WOW< this is great!! Thanks to all who helped in this long quest!!!!! after 24 yrs as a smoker.... I am Free
and I'm all Orgainic to boot!!!!!

Why, does my Mary taste sooooo much different,( and it's a good Thing) then just about everything i smoked in 24 yrs? WHY!! why!!!!
Clean. is the best way i can say it! CLEAN Tasting, smooth.... I'm not bitchin, Just the kinda guy who needs to KNow WHY... Good Bagseeds is all i have done, with good luck , but no known genitics.. I like the see what you get method..
That and I live in a small enough town. that if you get a load of gravel, the whole town is talking about it, so a package from overseas or anywhere out of the norm. would be noticed. trust me!! I been doing the ebay thing trying to soften up things abit.. But still scared!!!



Well-Known Member
Hey bud relax and dont tell a single sole and youll be just fine keep doing the ebay thing and if anyone asks you had a shirt or some clothing shipped from across seas off ebay. Order from The attitude seed bank they are great and very discrete itll come from The attitude Gifts, is what they mark the package as. Yes I think the ORGANICS is why it tastes so damn good. CONGRATS.