So long riu. Teaching hydro in africa


Well-Known Member
I am leaving to Africa in three months. I am off to teach various tribes simple hydroponics. I am not sure if any of my fellow rollituppers are up to date on food shortages in Africa but its going to be worst in the coming years due to poor soil conditions. I am starting a non profit organization so I could help as many tribes/ people as possible. I have already received a tremendous amount of support as well as grants to start the project. I am just at the beginning phases but I think in the coming years we could really make a difference there. Anyway I wanted to start this thread to get any ideas from anyone, all ideas are good ideas. Bless you all. I am goig to keep a journal as well as picture journal on here to keep you all updated. I will be visiting with the Maasai people of Kenya first. Then go from there. Much love RIU.



Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Good luck...that's a very noble thing you're doing.
I am leaving to Africa in three months. I am off to teach various tribes simple hydroponics. I am not sure if any of my fellow rollituppers are up to date on food shortages in Africa but its going to be worst in the coming years due to poor soil conditions. I am starting a non profit organization so I could help as many tribes/ people as possible. I have already received a tremendous amount of support as well as grants to start the project. I am just at the beginning phases but I think in the coming years we could really make a difference there. Anyway I wanted to start this thread to get any ideas from anyone, all ideas are good ideas. Bless you all. I am goig to keep a journal as well as picture journal on here to keep you all updated. I will be visiting with the Maasai people of Kenya first. Then go from there. Much love RIU.




Well-Known Member
Wow dude thats awesome, good for you. Can you explain some of the simple hydroponics methods you'll be teaching them? Gonna be cool in like 10 years when you see them talking about African Hydroponics tribes all because of you.


Well-Known Member
Wow dude thats awesome, good for you. Can you explain some of the simple hydroponics methods you'll be teaching them? Gonna be cool in like 10 years when you see them talking about African Hydroponics tribes all because of you.
we are working with people on that right now, heat issues will definitly be the key. we are working on underground recessed concrete basements, very cheap to build and amazingly air temps change drastically underground 10 to 15 degrees. We would be able to use the natural sun as it is very hot and dry, being able to harness the heat is going to be the issue but its easily resolved.


Well-Known Member
I don't have much to really offer, nothing any of my friends who've been there have told me is anything you probably don't already know. Its really cool that you guys are doing that though and best of luck


Well-Known Member
Once you look into a groupd of 100 childrens eyes and see them starving, it changes you. Our media doesn show us this in this country. Its sad. Come on man.


Well-Known Member
I am leaving to Africa in three months. I am off to teach various tribes simple hydroponics. I am not sure if any of my fellow rollituppers are up to date on food shortages in Africa but its going to be worst in the coming years due to poor soil conditions. I am starting a non profit organization so I could help as many tribes/ people as possible. I have already received a tremendous amount of support as well as grants to start the project. I am just at the beginning phases but I think in the coming years we could really make a difference there. Anyway I wanted to start this thread to get any ideas from anyone, all ideas are good ideas. Bless you all. I am goig to keep a journal as well as picture journal on here to keep you all updated. I will be visiting with the Maasai people of Kenya first. Then go from there. Much love RIU.


Wow i wish you luck!! If you ever need some help and can help me pay some bills at home I would be interested. I realize your non profit but if you do maybe get some funding i would be very interested.

Good luck my friend.


Well-Known Member
Once you look into a groupd of 100 childrens eyes and see them starving, it changes you. Our media doesn show us this in this country. Its sad. Come on man.
afcourse the dont man..their too busy packing IRAQ all up our brains..
anyways... good thing yur heloing out man. keep it up

Rocky Top High

Well-Known Member
You better teach them how to grow food so when they get an attack of the munchies from all the herb you are teaching them to grow, they will have food. :mrgreen:

Seriously, lots of repect for you and your crew. The world needs more people like you. Good luck and keep us posted.


Well-Known Member
LOL why would he be traveling to Africa to teach starving children how to grow weed. That's great though man good luck with everything.


New Member
remember...thr hootoo's are nice and the tootsie will kill yo ass!!!

thank you hotel rhuwanda or however you spell it.

good luck


Well-Known Member
Ah, it is people like you that restore my faith in the essential goodness of humankind. I am humbled before your compassion and your willingness to put others before yourself. I wish you and, more importantly, those you are helping, the very best!

Rocky Top High

Well-Known Member
LOL why would he be traveling to Africa to teach starving children how to grow weed. That's great though man good luck with everything.
I was just kidding. Probably in bad taste I guess. Those people need food and I admire him for his wanting to make the world a better place. Again, it was a joke in bad taste. Carry on!


Well-Known Member
Spelled Rwanda We can blame the Dutch for that, but its calmed down now. The Dutch are the ones who went there and created the Heirarchy. Hundreds of thousands were lost as a result. Friends for years were killing eachother. disgusting.

Does anyone know how to get in contact with the manufacturerers of rapid rooter?

remember...thr hootoo's are nice and the tootsie will kill yo ass!!!

thank you hotel rhuwanda or however you spell it.

good luck