So Whats The Best Way To Store The Good Stuff??


Well-Known Member
whats the best way to store ur weed?
ive got 2 plants and hoping for 2-4 ounce but ive bought weed in the past n its been stored for too long n its smelly or a terrible smoke, so i was thinking i could maybe freeze some?? does anybody know if its ok to do that n for what time periods? ive kept it in the fridge before and it stayed fresh untill it was gone but if i end up with 4ounce+ i think itll be a couple of month untill im smoking my last joint lol, n probably wont last that long in the fridge!
sorry if it doesnt quite make sense^ .. smoked alot!



Well-Known Member
then jars into fridge or freezer or just shelf it? will it stay fresh and hold a little water?


Well-Known Member
then jars into fridge or freezer or just shelf it? will it stay fresh and hold a little water?
Dont put it in the freezer just a cool dark place. Open them up every once and a while to make sure they are not too wet in there. Thats about it :peace:


Well-Known Member
ok thanks, whats the longest you guys have stored in mason jars for?
Two years but I smoked this old hippies stuff once he said it was almost 10 years old and of course was in some good old mason jars. He just kept growing different strains and had a bunch to choose from so I picked one and he said he had not smoked it for almost ten years.:mrgreen: It was still good, a little dry but hell can't complain for 10 year old weed.


Well-Known Member
burp the jars 2 or 3 times daily to get rid of extra moisture for 2-3 weeks brings out flavour and taste of buds ... thats after u had them hanging upside down for a week or so.. :peace::peace:


Well-Known Member
I found some weed I had stored in a mason jar and forgot about:joint:. It actually seemed to be better than it was before as I remember!!! Mason Jar, Dark cool environment!!!