

Active Member
I was working in my tent today, and it looked like Etta, one of my plushberries, wouldn't miss a few trimmings for clones. Etta b.jpg They were fairly good sized at the bottom. Etta c.jpg I hope I didn't fuck up. I cut with sharp scissors, and cut again at a 45 degree angle with a sharp, sterilized razor blade. This is Etta afterwards. Etta.jpg Anyway, I made a makeshift cloning station in my office, with a piece of Panda film on the wall, with scraps left over from building my tent, cut the trimmings, soaked them in a B-1 transplant solution for 30 minutes, as directed on the bottle. I was just going to use straight water, but I found it in my laundry room, so thought, "Fuck it." Then I put them in a cup of water with more Panda film covering the top, secured by electrical tape, sitting about four inches under a fluorescent tube on my book cabinets/converted bar. Clones.jpg Semi-hidden by The Man. Semi-Hidden.jpg Now, I understand I'll be spraying them every once in a while throughout the day, and change the water every third day, then transplant to my grow medium when I see - what, 1 1/2 inches of roots? Am I missing anything else? I'm trying not to overcomplicate shit, just trying to make sure I don't fuck up.


Well-Known Member
Pretty much what i would do except...I would make a humidity dome spray em real good once then leave them alone for about a week. I wouldnt pull em out to check roots either just wait until you see new growth then you know its rooted.


Active Member
Thanks. I looked around the house for something to use earlier, but didn't see anything. Now that I'm high, my brain's working. Maybe a large mixing bowl. Dome.jpg lol Of course, the coffee cups wouldn't fit under it, so I used some yogurt containers that I had washed out and spray-painted black on the outside for this very reason.