Social security, panacia or boondoggle

What's my view of Social Security

  • I love social security and will be recieving checks when I retire

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • It may be OK for me

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't think I'll be needing it

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • Fuck social security and all those that recieve it

    Votes: 3 50.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New Member
I'm asking for views on social security, I'll field mine. I must divulge that I am a recipient so some Bias may be evident.
Social security, good or bad. I guess that depends on ones basic income level. If one makes enough to live well and have some left over for a retirement fund, well then I guess they resent paying the tax. Most people don't make enough to save for retirement any more. If one leaves the DC beltway and surrounding area, or NYC, wall street etc, one can easily see the majority of workers do not make enough to:
A. pay their bills
B. send their kids to college
c pay for medical for their family
D Have anything left to pay for retirement.
The myth of privatizing SS would in the end only benefit Wall street. Wall street, the common interest of those that want privatization, just showed us what little security is involved. Wall street is living on Borrowed time, it is a bubble waiting to burst. The regulations, what there are, have not been put into place and those assholes are up to their same thieving ways.
Social security keeps the old and broke from starving. Not everyone can have an $80,000+ job. there aren't enough to go around. I depend on my check coming every month, and yes, I paid into the fund for 55+ years, so basically i'm getting my money back + interest.


Well-Known Member
However it shouldn't be the congress raided the fund regular.
Its should be made voluntary.
Let people choose what to do with their money.
It is still their money.


New Member
However it shouldn't be the congress raided the fund regular.
Its should be made voluntary.
Let people choose what to do with their money.
It is still their money.
What it's not OPM, holy crap, I think I'll send it back.

jeff f

New Member

the principal is supposed to be, you pay in, we give you it back when you retire. sort of an insurance. and with anything that is left we help people who cant work for themselves through some disability or another. okay, i am fine with that so far. but you have 25 year old grown men with nothing wrong with them getting checks.

i ride bikes with this 25 year old former high school football player. he had to have neck surgury from an injury. to my knowledge he has never had a job because of his neck problems. did i mention, he rides A FUCKING HARLEY DAVIDSON? he also has a brand new f250, several wave runners.... did you hear me? HE RIDES A FUCKING WAVE RUNNER!!! he has a brother, 32 or so. same deal. there is something seriously wrong with this system.


Well-Known Member
though i voted "fuck social security", i can't actually say "fuck those that receive it". the choices you've given in your poll are the typical bs i've come to expect from you. the people are given no choice but to contribute to this government run pyramid scheme that is regularly raided by our representatives for their pet projects, so blaming them would be foolish. as with so many other instances of government "taking care of the people", opting out is nearly impossible once those bureaucrats have gotten their claws into you. it is money thrown down the government rat hole. calling it a boondoggle is a kindness its administrators do not deserve.


Well-Known Member
I'm with you. Fuck Social security.
But whole Generations of Americans have been taught to depend on government.
They have not planned ahead and now are stuck.
We can't just leave them out in the street.
Government made a promise, a contract.
Those who are on it should be taken care of.
The youngsters should be allowed to opt out.
Its either that or let the whole thing collapse eventually.

The system set up for social security was a ponzi scheme.
Forced on us by law and enforced at gunpoint.
It is now on the verge of bankrupcy along with nearly every other government program.
This is why you see so much sceptisism from the so-called right,
when government wants to run something.
Because the Right tends to look at history.
The Left just wants "Progress"
experiance be damned.

Vi I read that Article very nice 27% savings rate and no payroll tax.
That is what this country needs if its going to get out of this "depression."


New Member
From what I can gather from all you conservatives, you'll be sending your checks back then, as a matter of principle, LOL Yeah right!.


New Member
though i voted "fuck social security", i can't actually say "fuck those that receive it". the choices you've given in your poll are the typical bs i've come to expect from you. the people are given no choice but to contribute to this government run pyramid scheme that is regularly raided by our representatives for their pet projects, so blaming them would be foolish. as with so many other instances of government "taking care of the people", opting out is nearly impossible once those bureaucrats have gotten their claws into you. it is money thrown down the government rat hole. calling it a boondoggle is a kindness its administrators do not deserve.
In a word, you are an ass.


New Member
that's four words, but i guess i'll let that slide. what the hell do you expect when the choices you give are - i love it, i like it, i'm too rich to care, and fuck everyone involved.
Please, those are the attitudes expressed on this site. . You either love it or hate it, just like you are either leaning left or right. It is a simple choice. Myself, I believe there would be a lot of starving, out in the cold old people without it, myself included. Maybe you didn't read my explanation. I think I pretty much covered it. If one made more than say, 80K per year, probably wouldn't need it as they could have invested and saved enough for retirement, There unfortunately are very few of those high paying jobs available, something like 2%, the other 98% make less and some make a hell of a lot less. Some make less than enough to get by in Minimum wage jobs. How do you expect them to save for retirement? You must look at the big picture. Something you libertarians are incapable of.


Well-Known Member
Please, those are the attitudes expressed on this site. . You either love it or hate it, just like you are either leaning left or right. It is a simple choice. Myself, I believe there would be a lot of starving, out in the cold old people without it, myself included.
That's the result when one expects the government to do something he should have been doing for himself his whole working life.
Maybe you didn't read my explanation. I think I pretty much covered it. If one made more than say, 80K per year, probably wouldn't need it as they could have invested and saved enough for retirement, There unfortunately are very few of those high paying jobs available, something like 2%, the other 98% make less and some make a hell of a lot less.
You better check your sources. The top 2% makes a hell of a lot more than $80K. The top 1% by itself pays 39% of all income taxes.

Furthermore, the bottom 43% of filers will pay no income tax, or worse. Some will actually have a negative income tax liability, meaning they will actually get paid.
Some make less than enough to get by in Minimum wage jobs. How do you expect them to save for retirement?
Anyone who only makes minimum wage has a problem.

The question I ask is why they have that problem.

Did they not take advantage of the free public education afforded to all?

Did they make shitty choices?
You must look at the big picture. Something you libertarians are incapable of.
Oh, we see the big picture all right. What's more, we comprehend it.

And that scares the pudding out of Progressive mouth breathers.


Well-Known Member
Anyone who only makes minimum wage has a problem.
a single person can quite happily survive on minimum wage. there will be no home ownership, 2.3 children or two car garages in their future, but just that's not what a minimum wage earner is destined for. unless one climbs the ladder toward some sort of better career, survival is all that can be assured. even at that low wage, saving is possible and a decent life can be made. the problem arises when those minimum wage earners start families and purchase luxury items that they cannot afford, all because this is america and we are all entitled to those things.

.....that scares the pudding out of Progressive mouth breathers.
the problem is that it "the big picture" doesn't scare the crap out of them, that they see nothing wrong with a huge portion of our population obliviously dependent on the stolen wages of others and government pulling all the strings.


New Member
So you selfish assholes, (not naming anyone, you know who you are) think that there are plenty of good paying jobs to go around, Enough for every worker that wants to exert themselves? I can plainly see then, you are grossly misinformed. There are only so many self rewarding jobs to go around and they are fast dissapearing in leu of the minimum wage replacement jobs. I remember how you libertarioan were so gung-ho to get rid of all the US Auto woprkers jobs, jobs that were self rewarding and paid enough to survive, raise a family and save for retirement. But wait, those were those cursed union jobs. No workers should be allowed to have unions, hell, they might just get those jobs that you try and hoard for yourselves. Asshole is the kindest word for people like you. Fuckwad and a few other prime choices come to mind. Don't worry, with your selfish greed you are destroying the very fabric of what you hold so dear. BTW, union workers are just as patriotic as you. Most ot you radical assholes never fought for your country yet scream for liberty, pathetic I say.


Well-Known Member
it seems someone has gotten their panties into a rather nasty twist, blithering on and on about the greed and selfishness of folks he doesn't even know and championing one of the most corrupt union organizations in the nation. i suppose it must seem incredibly fair that some line workers could make as much as highly educated professionals and then retire with pensions that would make a civil servant blush. your semi-literate rant takes much for granted and tells us more about your own greed, as beholden as we know you are to the advantage that unions have taken of american business, than that of others. you just can't seem to get it through your head that it is not unions that so many of us despise, but the greed and corruption they are rife with. those same things you say are the downfall of this country have taken root in your beloved unions and made monsters out of a useful tool of the workers. just as with government, it is not unions we hate, it is what they have become, what you are too blind to see or to stubborn to admit.


Well-Known Member
No we don't think their are good paying jobs around Med.
Thats the crux of the matter right there.
You want to make jobs in the private sector.
You gotta cut taxes and let the economy out from under the yoke.
Once you do that Government programs become redundent.


New Member
No we don't think their are good paying jobs around Med.
Thats the crux of the matter right there.
You want to make jobs in the private sector.
You gotta cut taxes and let the economy out from under the yoke.
Once you do that Government programs become redundent.
Look Ilk, Bush cut taxes and guess what, here we are, trillions in debt and no fucking jobs. Can't you see that giving tax breaks to the already rich does nothing more than increase their wealth. Tell me how many jobs were created under Bush's tax cuts. The rich got richer and the rest of us got fucked, job loss after job loss, yeah, I'll give some of the credit to Clinton, Nafta and all that, But bush gave the rich 1.5 trillion and jobs were hemoraging like a major artery burst. Cutting taxes in this day and age does nothing more than make the greedy owners of society richer. Tell me how you benefited from the Bush tax cuts, what 300.00 lousy bucks, come on man.