Soil Ammendments


Active Member
im planning to do a outdoor grow in 20l holes, and am going to be using blood, bone and kelp meal, and was wondering should i add the recomended dosage for annuals and vegtables? Also is it better to make a same volume hole more deep then it is wide or the other way around? What sizes of holes do you guys usually make?


Well-Known Member
ive read that marijuana likes to go deeper than wider, or grows down rather than wide... Im pretty sure though, but theres a limit of course... so?


Well-Known Member
dude the bigger the better but with using blood and bone meal youll be attracting all kinds of pests. and make the holes as big as you can.


Active Member
Im planning to cover the holes with couple inches of not ammended soil and then letting them sit for like a month, Will i still have a problem with predetors digging up my plants during the summer? I would think that the extra couple inches of just ordinary soil would mask the smell of the blood and bone meal.