soil preperation and watering


Active Member
what do you guys to prep your soil for planting? manures and what mixtures work best? im just getting advice for a guerilla grow i only plan to go back every fortnight so what watering system would you guys recommend? cheers guys any help would be gold


Active Member
i personaly have a baby pool that i dump a bag of soil into,,add some pig shit,vermiculite,perlite,peat moss,,i usualy start with 70L bag ,and begin mixing aprox.20% of each to the soil only 10% of the pig shit,,,at same time as me mixing the wife has the mixed up nute water and is spraying it through the soil as keep mixing..i tell when its ready by how its looks and when squeezing it in my hand it kinda springs back out as apposed to crumbling ...and if your in the ground then shouldnt have any problems with watering...but if you need alot and its a decent distance away then i reccommend a rain catching barrel near your plants..


Well-Known Member
are you going to grow in the ground or in pots? how many plants are you looking to grow? whats your ph of your soil at? if your growing in the ground?

Guerillia Farmer

Well-Known Member
cmack u forgot worm castings in your nice soil mixture or u can buy hole worms at ur local bait shop.... or turn a couple rocks and logs over


Active Member
plan to grow in the ground possibly between 2-6 plants spaced out (to keep the choppers at bay) soil is very heavy clay at the moment ph is 7 according to my test kit


Well-Known Member
My soil is basically peat or ´forest products´ substrate, with horse manure, wormcasts, perlite and eggshell. Nutritious and doesn´t cost me much.


Active Member
My soil is basically peat or ´forest products´ substrate, with horse manure, wormcasts, perlite and eggshell. Nutritious and doesn´t cost me much.
sounds good spanishfly but why eggshell? does it add calcium to the soil? sounds like the plants would love your mix


Well-Known Member
I mixed in my local soil (which I broke up into a fine soil it was slightly compacted)with Black Gold potting soil and chicken manure compost which contained wood shavings and various other organic material at a rate of about 1/2 soil 1/3 potting and 1/3 chicken manure compost.

From my gardening experience with other plants (not weed) I know that rabbit manure is also fantastic. Pretty much prized by most master gardeners. Next years grow I'm going to experiment with a rabbit pellet mixture.

Watering is different for me as I own irrigated acreage and am able to water easily.

Good luck