Soil Question Help!


okay so i've been growing this seedling i have for about 2 weeks now.. it's been in soil from my front yard but i think its time for me to transplant it to a bigger pot.

i do not want to go excavate the small pot i have for more soil, but i do have this soil:

the name is:
Kellogs Gomulch Premium Planting Mix, Rich in composted oraganics!

it says it is best for shrubs,trees, and roses.

is this good soil to transplant my plant in?

and is it good soil to start a new grow?

please help


bud bootlegger
i have never heard of it, but just make sure it doesn't have any kind of slow release nutes added to it.. it doesn't sound like it does, but just to be on the safe side, double check... i would think that this soil would b fine for a grow.. if the soil looks heavy and clumpy to you, look around for some vermiculate or perlite to add to the soil at a 1/4 ratio.. that would be three parts of soil to one part perlite for added drainage and aeration for the roots..
when you go to transplant, wait till your soil is pretty dry and than just tip the whole container over in your hand, carefully... you may have to tap gently on the bottom of the pot to get all of the soil out.. try not to disturb anything.. take the whole plant along with the soil and the roots in the soil, and place them in your new pot that is already about half way or say two thirds full with the new soil... make a nice lil hole in the soil so that the root ball fits in nicely.. sit it there in your hole, and fill up the rest of the pot with more soil.. dont go too crazy compacting the soil... loose is good.. more air for your roots... alot of people will say to bury her down to the first set of leaves, this way she won't be as tall, and its a good idea... water her in with a nice amount of water and once you start to see some run out the bottom of the pot, you are done..


okay i just transplanted into same soil as it was.. because im not sure of the kellog's one.

i was cutting the smaller pot to transplant into the other pot, and i was using scissors.. i think i might of accidentally cut off some parts of the plants roots

is this shit gona die?


Well-Known Member
i broke off a huge part of the roots my last grow transplanting, it grew up and gave me good bud.... only time will tell...

also, be sure there arent any worms or nasties in the soil... if you want to be 100% sure get yourself some sterile sand, and pour it over the soil... it will suffocate a lot of the critters in the soil without harming your plant.... just throwing it out htere...


Well-Known Member
I've tried that soil and had bad results. If I were you I'd go with a soilless mix like promix. Plants never looked so good.


ahaha shit bro... the soil did have some small worms the once you use for fish bait... i thought of the worms as a soil cleaner and nutrient producer... i guess it does harm the plant.

i have alot of regular sand in my backyard... would that do the job?


Well-Known Member
sand? well, it wouldn't work like soil, be more like hydro setup
probably wouldn't be easy for a 1st grow